Standard Terms
Term |
Description |
Additional characteristics available to various ConnectMaster elements. They can be allocated freely and in any number. |
Contains the definition of an attribute. Determines the name and specific possible values of an attribute. |
Attribute type group |
Used for the grouping of attribute types. |
Automatic generation template |
Characteristic of a component type of the category Container; specifies which component type is placed into which useful slot. If a component type is created automatically with a generation template, components of exactly this component type can be created in the useful slots according to the generation template. |
Auto-patching enables the automatic creation of cross-connections across strings of triads. For this purpose, triads are gathered, put in the right sequence, and one or several wires are patched through; a work order is then created with the cross-connections to be realised. |
The category Cable is used to describe all transmission media in ConnectMaster, like copper cables or fiber optic cables. Components of the category Cable can either be individual cables or cable groups. |
Components of the category Cable are located between two locations; the second location is called Cable end. |
A string of cable segments that are connected to connection sleeves. |
A cable segment is a partial element within a cable group; it is defined through: •Number of wires •Length in metres •Resistance in ohm •Attenuation in decibels •Factor |
Specifies how much logical information can be transported and is indicated in bit/s, Kbit/s, Mbit/s or Gbit/s. Capacity occurs as a characteristic in the following elements of ConnectMaster: •Card •Mux |
Capacity allocation |
This function defines how the capacity of the card is allocated on the connection points. |
The category Card includes all types of cards, like input cards or ISDN cards. Cards never appear on their own, but always as an integral element of a mux. |
Highest level of the component system. This is where it is defined which types of electrical components are supported in ConnectMaster. Eight categories are available: •Mux •Card |
Color |
A color is a text abbreviation consisting of a combination of up to 6 characters. Colors can be allocated to a connection point and to a cross-connection. The color of a wire (component point of a cable) always overwrites the color of the cross-connection between component point and this wire. |
Name of a column in a connection sheet. |
Company |
Contains various company data like name, address, and cost centre. A company may be located in different company groups, and any number of departments and persons may be allocated to it. |
Company group |
A group of different companies. |
Is the specific realisation of a local component type. A component is allocated to exactly one component type and to exactly one category. To describe the situation in the network, a component is placed in a specific location. |
Attributes can be allocated to every component. These are then referred to as component attributes. |
Another name frequently used in ConnectMaster for a connection point on a component; please refer to Component. |
Is used to describe the characteristics of components, like appearance, functionality, etc. All characteristics of a component type are inherited to its components. |
Besides components, connections constitute the second basic element of ConnectMaster. They make it possible to link components to each other and to create entire networks of signal routes, communication paths, etc. The following three terms are used in the realm of connections: |
Every connection can be allocated any number of attributes. These are then referred to as connection attributes. Individual attribute types are designated as connection attribute. They are then more available for connections and can no longer be applied to components. Likewise, it is conversely not possible either to use component attributes for connections. |
A connection point can be defined as any available connection to a component and/or component type. For instance, every individual terminal on a terminal strip that can be connected to a cable wire is a connection point. |
Indicates how many cross-connections are allowed on a given connection point for each connection side. If no cross-connections are allowed, the number of connection positions is 0. |
A connection sheet is the visual display of a component to edit connections. It is structured as a table and shows all important information on the component and its connections in a compact form. |
Each connection point may have a left and right connection side. This means that a cross-connection may lead to a connection point and a cross-connection may in turn continue from the same connection point. |
Connection sleeve |
Connects cable segments to a cable group. Connection splices are located in a specific location. In ConnectMaster, they are not treated as individual components, rather only in connection with cable groups. |
This category is used to describe all components made of different components. |
Cross hairs |
The workspace size can be changed individually with the cross hairs at the workspace intersection in the main window. |
A characteristic on a component type, a connection point and/or a cross- connection. |
A cross-connection is the physical connection of a component to another component. A cross-connection requires the following details: component, connection point, connection side and connection position. A cross-connection can also connect two connection points to each other on the same component. |
Crystal Reports 11.5 |
Crystal Reports 11.5 is a reporting tool from SAP. |
Customer allocation |
This function is used to allocate a specific path to a customer. |
Data type |
Characteristic of an attribute type. Defines which value an attribute may have, e.g. integral, floating-point number, date, currency, text, picture, file or command. |
Describes the extraction of individual capacity blocks from the capacities. |
Department |
An organisational unit that may exist independently or across several companies. Any number of persons may be allocated to a department. |
The component type dimension can be defined as the number of connection points for each connection side. |
Display level |
This term refers to the creation of location networks; used for setting the display of the location network. Specifies which location level should actually be displayed. In this respect, all locations found in the network are reduced to the relevant level. |
Dividing |
Removal of one or several cross-connections in the connection sheet module. |
Document folder |
Tool used in document administration to manage documents with the same basic data or documents that belong together from a content point of view. |
Dominating |
A characteristic of the component type that describes the relationship of the component type to the components derived from it. As a matter of principle, the component types can be classified in dominating and not dominating: •In dominating component types, characteristics on specific components may not be changed. This ensures a consistent behaviour within the entire system. •In not dominating component types, characteristics on specific components may be changed. Changes on the component type have no impact on existing components. |
or also called related attribute type. Dual attribute types are always allocated in a pair. They are used for cross-connections. |
The category end device describes all components forming the end points of a network. This generally means that end devices can only be connected on the right hand-side. |
Fed-through |
A connection point is fed-through from left to right and/or vice versa: Usages that arrive on the connection side of a connection point continue on the other connection side of the same connection point. A connection point is not fed-through from left to right and/or vice versa (only for T-splices): Usages that arrive on the connection side of a connection point do not continue on the other connection side of the same connection point. |
Another name frequently used in ConnectMaster for connection points on fiber optic cables. |
Function text |
Characteristic of a connection point; used to describe the functionality of the connection point. |
Action in the connection sheet module to shift existing cross-connections on a connection point to the smallest available connection position. |
Internally connected |
A connection point is internally connected to another connection point. Signals that e.g. arrive on the left connection side of a connection point continue on the right connection side of the same connection point (only for T-splices). |
Library |
Is used for the management of all general elements used in the various ConnectMaster modules: colors, samples, graphics... |
The nodes of a network are connected via lines. In a location network, a line stands for the sum of all connections and/or all triads between two locations or in a physical network for the connections between two components. |
A location is a unique position defined within the network administered by ConnectMaster. |
A group of locations. A location may be part of one or several location groups. |
A location level is a level within the unique identification of a location. This is where the rules according to which the locations of a level of the location system may be named are generated. |
A location system is a specific way of characterising and managing locations. |
Main window |
The main window is the main workbench of the user from which he can switch to other modules. |
Measured value type |
A measured value type defines the name of a measured value and the actual possible values of a measured value. |
Mode of operation |
Characteristic of component types and components of the category Mux. The mode of operation defines the selected multiplexer type. The following multiplexer types are available: •Asynchronous Time Multiplexer (ATM) •Synchronous Time Multiplexer (STM) |
Module range |
The module range makes it possible to switch between individual ConnectMaster modules. |
Refers to the pooling of capacities and further transmission via higher-capacity routes. |
This category describes time multiplexers. Muxes are collecting boxes for cards. |
A mux triad is a triad with the formula: Mux <> Cable <> Mux. |
The graphic representations in Visio are structured as networks with nodes and lines. These networks can be location networks or component networks. |
The rectangles appearing within a network are called nodes. They can be used e.g. for locations or for components. |
Noting |
Entering of a component in the task folder or of a triad in the triad task folder. |
Number generator |
A tool available in all ConnectMaster modules for the easy creation of a specific number of digit combinations |
Operation type |
Characteristic of a transport container; defines the operating mode: •Simplex: Communication takes place only in one direction. •Duplex: Communication takes place in both directions |
On a cross-connection, the second connection point of the cross-connection, viewed from a connection point. |
Organisation |
In ConnectMaster, the Organisation area includes the Owner and User Administration area. Organisation includes the following ConnectMaster elements: •Company group •Company •Department •Person |
Parent location |
Location which is hierarchically situated above another location within the location system. |
Creation of one or several cross-connections in the connection sheet module. |
PDH structure |
Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy. Standardised subdivision of the physical structure of a transport container. |
Person |
A person may be allocated various data like name and address. A person may be located in any number of departments and companies. |
A physical path is a continuous string of cross-connections. It may be open or closed. |
Picture |
Pictures can be defined as e.g. exact illustrations of a component type or additional characteristics of a component type that are described graphically. |
Specific connection points are combined into a point group. The component type and/or component. A component is always the highest point group in this hierarchy. In the simplest case, the point group is the component type and/or component that contains all connection points. A point group is always located in a point level. |
Point grouping |
Tool in ConnectMaster enabling the user-defined grouping of connection points of a component type or a component. It also makes it possible to represent component types and/or components with a complex structure. |
Point level |
The hierarchical subdivisions of the component type are called point levels. Every point level may contain point groups and connection points. |
Quick view |
In ConnectMaster, is used to obtain information on the main ConnectMaster elements (e.g. locations, components) in many places via a right mouse click. |
Report of measured values |
Is the collection of various measured values and other information. Reports of measured values can be allocated to various ConnectMaster elements. |
Report of measured values template |
A report of measured values template is a collection of different measured value types and is used for the illustration of standardised measurement or test reports. |
Sample |
Any combination of colors; can also be repeated several times in a row. |
Search level |
Term used to describe a search between two locations. The search level defines the location level on which further search for locations takes place, i.e. all locations that are found are initially reduced to the search level. The results of this reduction are subsequently used for further search. |
Search range |
Term used to describe a search between two locations; indicates which locations must be searched from a specific location. Search range 1: All locations situated a connection away from the start location of the search are searched. |
Selection type 1 |
Indicates whether in a connection sheet, a click selects only 1 position field or whether a click selects several position fields. |
Selection type 2 |
Indicates how selection is done within a connection sheet: •Left-right: Selection with left and right mouse button, left = from, right = to •Delete from-to: Selection only with left mouse button: 1st click = from, 2nd click = to, 3rd click = delete |
Series |
Characteristic of the connection points; describes internal order of connection points within the component types or component. It is automatically generated by ConnectMaster for each connection point. |
SHD structure |
Synchronous digital hierarchy. Standardised subdivision of the physical structure of a transport container. |
In principle, shifting is a double command Dividing + Patching in the connection sheet module. With this function, the end of a cross-connection is shifted from the original component point to another component point. |
Is an electrical or optical pulse. Signals can be set on connection points and/or physical paths as usage information. |
Signal categories are elements of the highest category in the entire signal system. They are the unconditional prerequisites for Signal types. Signal categories are used for cards and message routes. |
Used for the grouping of signals with similar characteristics. This makes it possible to provide a more comprehensible general explanation for individual signals. |
Signal types are the actual elements of the Signal category. They are the unconditional prerequisites for signals. |
A characteristic of component types and components of the category Mux. Because the mux is a collecting box for cards, a slot is available for the inclusion of a card. Hence the number of slots defines how many cards a mux can receive. |
Standard button bar |
Standard button bar that can be found in tables and lists. These buttons make it possible to navigate and edit the content of tables and lists. |
Standard printer |
This printer contains all printouts that are directly started from the ConnectMaster user interface, like list or table printouts. |
Characteristic of container types. Static components are generated according to an automatic generation template, i.e. these components included in the component are fixed; the user may neither add new ones, remove any, nor change their position. Only names may be changed. |
Status type |
The ConnectMaster user can define a large number of status descriptions using the status types. A status type can be used for components, locations, physical paths, signals and transport containers. |
The components of the category Strip can build the transition between the transmission medium cable and the cross-connection area. Conceptually speaking, strips are used for components with a fixed number of connection points. |
Graphic for the identification of basic elements in ConnectMaster, like categories and component types. |
A task is a collection of components which is created to complete a patch order, etc. |
Task folder |
The task folder is used for collecting and storing various ConnectMaster elements, like e.g. components. It is available to all ConnectMaster modules. |
Task folder triads |
The triad task folder is used for collecting and storing triads. Its area of application is auto-patching. |
The terminal strip builds the transition between the transmission medium cable and the patch area. Conceptually speaking, terminal strips are used for components with a different number of connection points. |
Text generator |
A tool available in all ConnectMaster modules for the easy creation of a specific number of text combinations. |
For time multiplexing, the logical information (signals) are transported time-interleaved. |
Time slot |
Indicates into which capacity blocks the total capacity of a transport container is subdivided. The number of time slots is determined per standardised transfer rate in the multiplex chart of the individual standards. |
Characteristic of the transport container. The following settings are possible:
Is a fixed capacity unit, subdivided into several capacity blocks, which in turn may contain transport containers. |
A triad is a patched component group consisting of a cable and two other components that are not of the category Cable. e.g.: Strip <> Cable <> Terminal strip |
Components of the category T-splice constitute the connecting element between two or several elements. Connection points of a T-splice may be fed-through, not fed-through, or internally connected. |
Characteristic of component types of the category Cable, which is used to distinguish between the available transmission media. The following types are managed in ConnectMaster:
Underlying location |
Location which is hierarchically situated below another location within the location system. |
Usage |
Characteristic at the connection point of a component; describes the logical information available at the connection point. Logical information consists of signals and transport containers. |
A logical element can not only be transmitted via physical connections, it can also continue via logical connections within another logical element. The resulting path is described as usage path. |
Is a characteristic of a container indicating how many positions are available to the container for the inclusion of components. |
Useful slot utilisation |
Indicates how many useful slots are comprised in a component type. |
Visio 2013 Standard |
A graphic tool with which 2-D drawings can be created and exported more efficiently. |
Another name that is frequently used in ConnectMaster for connection points on components and/or component types of the category Cable. |
A work order consists of a series of actions that are carried out collectively and at the user's request only at a later stage. A work order is created e.g. after auto-patching. It may then contain all cross-connections to be performed. |
Standard Terms