The following types of VLL circuits are currently modelled in Connect Master:

EPIPE – Ethernet Pseuodwire over MPLS

CPIPE – Circuit Emulation – Typically E1 over MPLS

For IES refer to https://infocenter.Nokia/



SAM Modelling

Nokia/Alcatel SAM Models EPIPE with the following hierarchy:

EPIPE -> SITES -> L2 Interfaces -> Service Tunnel

ConnectMaster Modelling

In CM the EPIPE will be modelled as VLL with the following characteristics:

1)Service Tunnel Bindings – Technically L2 Services use Psuedowires as transport layer, however Nokia/Alcatel SAM reports everything as Service Tunnels.

2)2 x SAP Ports

To utilise the EPIPE users will route an Ethernet TC over the VLL.


Note: From architecture point of view it is expected that there is only one inter-site VPN. The rule is as follows:

Inter-Site -> Any Sites with SDP Binding

Intra-Site -> Any Sites with no SDP Bindings

A new VLL is created for each Intra-Site VLL post-fixed with its Site ID




SAP VLAN Mapping

SAP in Connect Master at moment are modelled with the following Syntax:



This is different to how Nokia/Alcatel handles the VLAN Syntax which is reverse:



As a result a new feature will be added allowing Admin to swap Inner and Outer format globally from the library.


Field Mappings

Source File – epipe.Epipe.xml (Initial Data Source for VLL)

Source File – epipe.Site.xml (List of Sites associated with SAM EPIPE Element)

Source File – vll.L2AccessInterface (Provides associated SAP)

Source File – svt.SpokeSdpBinding.xml (Service Tunnel Binding Point to VLL)




1)Intra-Site VPN will be post-fixed with Site ID. ie. EPIPE 2572(

2)Local VLL don’t have any Service Tunnel

3)Need to resolve Mux from <siteId> IP Address

4)Need to resolve Card/Port from <portIdentifyingName>, Ports can be Physical or Virtual Sub-Ports

5)If <OuterEncapValue> = 0 then Encap-Type = Null, otherwise = 1inQ

From a handling perspective there is no difference between EPIPE and CPIPE. Note however that a virtual sub-port will already be created automatically under E1 ports. i.e 1/4/1.1


XML EPIPE Hierarchy


XML CPIPE Hierarchy

