Uninstall DSE service

To Uninstall Service

1.Open the Windows Service List.

An easy way to open this list is to open a Command Prompt and execute the command services.msc in Administrative mode


Right click DSE_Service and stop it.

Open command prompt with Administrative rights:

1.Go to the following directory, so you can use the “installutill.exe”

%WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.<current version>


cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319

Type following command

InstallUtil.exe -u "<DSE_Service path>\DSE_Service.exe"

Once uninstallation successful you will get the following message




Once Uninstall is success full DSE_Seveice will be removed from Services.msc list.

If DSE_Service still exists in the Service list or not uninstalled properly try the following commands in command line administrative mode.

1)To stop the service -> net stop "DSE_Service" , net start "DSE_Service" will start the service again.

2)If Installation Not uninstalled properly use following command to delete the service->

sc delete "DSE_Service"