Create the Net Services Name  

1.) Start the ‚Net Configuration Assistant’  


2.) Choose the ‘Local Net Services Name configuration’  





3.) Add the new net service name  







4.) Enter the services name (SID) of the ConnectMaster instance  



5.) Select the protocol  




6.) Enter the name of database server  

Specify the listener port if you do not use the default port -> See the TNS-Listener  configuration in this document  





7.) Select <Yes> to perform a test of the configuration  






8.) Choose ‘Change Login’ to specify the password of the user ‘system’  






9.) Type the password of the user ‘system’  











10.) Specify the name of the net service name  

(We suggest keeping the same name like the service name)  





11.) Additional net service name are not needed  






12.) Finish the configuration  

Click <Next> and close with <Finish the ‘Welcome’ window  







Local naming resolves service names to network addresses by using  

information configured in the TNSNAMES.ORA file that is stored locally on each  

client node. The TNSNAMES.ORA file is comprised of two parts; Service Names and Connect Descriptors.  


With Local Naming, clients must have a TNSNAMES.ORA file, with service names that map to the service addresses listed in the Database server's LISTENER.ORA   file before they can connect. Client configuration is accomplished by creating  

a list of service names (which are aliases for a database network address) and  
addresses of network destinations (database server name or IP address) in the  

Each ORACLE HOME can have there own TNSNAMES.ORA file.  

In the ConnectMaster Installation you will find at least two TNSNAMES.ORA file:  


From the Oracle installation:  

From the ConnectMaster Client installation:  



To avoid problem at the Service Names and Connect Descriptors file in both  TNSNAMES.ORA files  


Sample TNSNAMES.ORA File Entry  


<Net Service Name> =  



     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <DB-server>)(PORT = 1521))      )  



     (SERVICE_NAME = <DB-name>)  








     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = win2k3ctx)(PORT = 1521))      )  




