IP Pool Details

Detail view head area:



Available fields:

Name: User-defined name for the pool.

Block sizes: Number of addresses that can be taken from the pool blockwise. By default, all block sizes are editable. Blocks can be customized to allow control over simultaneously assignable addresses. /32 means a single address, /31 are 2, /30 are 4 and so on. This is intended for address allocation to links, services, customers in specific block sizes.

Groups: If available to which IP pool groups the pool is assigned


Detail tab

Currently contains only the description of the IP pool.



Contents Tab

Shows all subnets assigned to the IP Pool including their child subnet structure.


The sorting can be adjusted using arrow buttons.

With + an additional subnet can be added to the pool.

Press to remove an assigned subnet.


Attributes Tab

Standard CM Attributes Functionalities
