TC Transmission rates kind - Autonaming
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As a CM user, you can create Transmission rate kinds in the Library under Logical Paths/Transmission rates kind:
Transmission rates kind |
The user can generate a new transmission rates kind to assign autonaming for transport containers.
The meaning of the columns is described below: •Name: Choose a name for your Transmission rates kind •Abbreviation: Choose an abbreviation (not mandatory) •Description: Short description (not mandatory) •Image: Append image (not mandatory) •Autom. Naming: Check the box to activate Autonaming. •Name default: Determines the class which appears in autonaming. For more information about the name syntax, see section 2.2.3. •Numbers: Check box to activate automatic numbering. •Start value: The start value of the automatic numbering. •Increment: Step size •Digits: Number of digits of the sequential number •Valid: Validity area
Group TC |
After the user has created a Transmission rates kind, he can assign it to a transport container (STM types, Ethernet types, WDM types, ...). An example is shown below where the Transmission rates kind STMLink was assigned to STM-16 while STMLink3 was assigned to STM-1:
Please keep in mind that the user now also has the possibility to assign an Abbreviation to the Transmission rates kind, which can be referenced directly in the autonaming field via <transrate.shortname>. Similarly, the user can retrieve the name of the Transmission rates kind in the autonaming field via < >. |