Autonaming of SDH Transport Containers


Example A

The user wants to create STM utilizable containers and wants them to be named automatically by CM depending on their hierarchy.

For example, a utilizable container in the STM-1 level will be

S01_STM_N, named with 0<N<99,

while a utilizable container with STM-16

S16_STM_N, is called with 0<N<99


Example B

The user wants the Transmission rates kind to appear in the utilizable container name.

For example, an SDH utilizable container in the STM-1 level will have the name

155.52 Mbit_N, with 0<N<99.


Example A

Step 1

Generate a new Transmission rates kind by clicking on File/Library.







Step 2

Fill in the requested fields as shown here:


Where [N] is an automatic number that has 1 as its initial value (defined in the Start Value column) and is incremented each time with 1 (defined in the Increment column) until it ends with 99 (defined in the Digits column).


Example B

Step 1

Please repeat step 1 from example A


Step 2

Complete the requested fields as follows:



Step 3

Way the Transmission rates kind to the desired transport container.



Step 4

The result is an STM-1 SDH transport container named as follows:
