Export spatial tables from old database


Login to database with mapinfo

Import spatial tables

Add mandatory columns to spatial tables

Fill MI_PRINX with unique numbers

Import values to MDSYS.USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (as user mapinfo!)

Create spatial index on spatial colum in new table:

CREATE INDEX “tablename_sx” ON “tablename” (“spatialcolumnname”) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX

Create primary key on mi_prinx:

alter table “tablename” add constraint “tablename_pk” primary key (MI_PRINX)

Open MapInfo Professional à Database Toolbar à Make relation mappable

-Choose table to be mapped

-Set correct column where spatial information is saved. MapInfo can detect the projection automatically. If the corresponding projection is not fount, the projection button is enabled and can be used to determine the correct projection.

If all went well, tables should be writeable in CM