General Configuration


Configuration - Parameters

MPLS Network

Select an existing MPLS Network that all elements will be created under.

File Path

File path to where th log files will be stored. Normally ….\SyncLog.

Note: If the log file path is not in the root directory for the DSE, make sure it IIS user read/write permission.

Configuration – NMS API

End Points

Two redundant end points can be configured. Enter the SAM API interface address. ie.



Offline Mode

True – The DSE will use the previously received data files from SAM in the root directory \NMS_RecieveXml. This can be used to demo the DSE whilst not connected to SAM.

False – The DSE will connect to the specified end points and collect all datasets live


Username for connecting to SAM

Recommend creating a specific new user on SAM for interfacing with CM.


Password for the user connecting to SAM