The GIS pane is where your data is visualized on top of a map. ConnectMaster online uses OpenStreetMap as the background map and can display your ConnectMaster GIS layers on top if they are available through a WMS server.





The map has 4 types of markers.



Blue dot

Display your current position if your device has GPS enabled. The map will default jump to that position after login.


Green dot

Display a found address


Red circle

Highlight a point which refers to the entity you are have opened in the detail pane.


Purple dot with a number inside it

Highlight events, when in the event list. The number is the number of events in that location.


When highlighting polylines, the whole polyline will change color. Default is red, but the color can be configured on the server.


When the measuring distance between objects, a black dotted line will show the measured path.


The map has 3 action buttons.



Zoom in


Zoom out


Zoom to extent