In the geo pane of ConnectMaster Online, you will find the measurement tool. It is useful for measuring distance between your current position, your selected location or a found address.






Search options are:





From your current position

To locations from last executed filter

In a straight line

From your current position

To locations from last executed filter

Routed by google maps

From your current position

To your selected location

In a straight line

From your current position

To your selected location

Routed by google maps

From your current position

To the last found address

In a straight line

From your current position

To the last found address

Routed by google maps

From your current position

To cable intersection

In a straight line

From your current position

To cable intersection

Routed by google maps

From the last found address

To your selected location

In a straight line

From the last found address

To your selected location

Routed by google maps

From the last found address

To locations from last executed filter

In a straight line

From the last found address

To locations from last executed filter

Routed by google maps

From the last found address

To cable intersection

In a straight line

From the last found address

To cable intersection

Routed by google maps

From your selected location

To locations from last executed filter

In a straight line

From your selected location

To locations from last executed filter

Routed by google maps

From your selected location

To cable intersection

In a straight line

From your selected location

To cable intersection

Routed by google maps


Routed by google maps options are only available if there is a google API key registered in the settings file.