Enable ADFS Communication
This Section describes all required steps you must do in order to enable ConnectMaster to communicate with your ADFS server.
This section describes how to configure your ADFS server, so that it will accept requests by the ConnectMaster application, and it will respond with the correct information.
•Enable /usernamemixed endpoint
ConnectMaster uses the ADFS endpoint /adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed. You must enable this endpoint in the ADFS configuration on the server side.
You can find the endpoints in the AD FS Management window of the
Server Manager (Tools -> AD FS Management) … under the point Service -> Endpoints.
•Configure ConnectMaster as a Relying Party Trust
To allow ConnectMaster to receive information from the ADFS, it must be added as a Relying Party Trust in the ADFS configuration.
The following screenshots show the steps that are necessary:
Specify a proper Display name.
Proceed with "Next".
Proceed with "Next".
Proceed with "Next".
Add the URL https://vertigis.com/connectmaster as Relying party trust identifier, because ConnectMaster will identify itself with this URL. Hit "Add" to do so.
Proceed with "Next".
Specify the policy "Permit everyone" and proceed with "Next".
Select the option “Configure claims …” to add a Claim rule to the Relying Party Trust. This Claim rule is necessary to send the needed information to Connect Master. Proceed with "Close".
Because you have chosen to configure claims the next form does appear automatically.
Choose "Add Rule".
Proceed with "Next".
Specify a proper Claim Rule Name.
The three LDAP mappings shown in the screenshot above are necessary for ConnectMaster to manage the ConnectMaster user rights via ADFS.
Proceed with "Finish".
Finish the Procedure with "OK".