IP Subnet pool view; IP Pool pool view; IP Pool Group pool view


Menu entry:

In the Network Usage menu, IP Address Management:





IP Subnets

The IP Subnet  pool view provides the following fields:

IP Subnet: The IP subnet base address and range size;

IP Subnet name; a user definable name for the subnet; Is editable in pool view;

IP Net Type: Internal for private address space, external for public address space. Is editable in pool view;

Function: user label / attribute. Is editable in pool view;

VLAN Name: shows assigned VLAN name. Is editable in pool view;

IP Pool: shows assigned IP Pools. Is editable in pool view;

Root subnet: shows the topmost parent of a subnet in the address hierarchy, or “root” for a topmost parent;

Assignment Type: where whole IP Subnet is assigned, the assignment type is shown. Possible values: empty; Reserved; Used; Available; Assigned; Quarantine

Expiry date: applies to Reserved and Quarantine assignments

Assignment class: If the whole IP Subnet is assigned to a service or to a company. Possible values: empty; Service; Company

Assigned to: if assigned to a service or to a company, lists the service or company to which the IP Subnet is assigned



Create Subnet

To create a new IP Subnet, use the create button:







Address: an address to be contained in the new subnet. It can be anywhere within the selected range;

Subnet: defines the size of the subnet;

Name: User definable name for the Ip subnet: By default, when creating a subnet, the name automatically populates as the first address in the range. The name field can be manually edited.

Range: starting address of the resulting range;

To: highest address of the range;


Create Child Subnet

To launch the IP Subnet action “Create Child Subnet” from the IP Subnet pool view, select the Ip Subnet in question and use the action button as shown:



Hint: Use the filter to show only Root subnets






Hint: Use the grouping functionality to group all subnets based on the root subnet





IP Pools



The IP Pool pool view provides the following fields:

IP Pool: name of the IP Pool





IP Pool Groups

The IP Pool Group pool view provides the following fields:

Name: name of the IP Pool Group


