Use Letters for Autonaming

Users can now use letters for autonaming. Automatically generated names will make use of letters (a,b,c….) as the incrementing value. This adds to the existing option to used numbers as the incrementing value in a name.

6709EA~1_img1   6709EA~1_img2


This naming will increase in alphabetical order going from the set start value. Once the letter “Z” has been reached the number of digits within the name will be increased and naming will follow on from “AA”, then “AB”, “AC”…

Below is an example of the naming order:

i.Location 1: PIT-°z°

ii.Location 2: PIT-°aa°

iii.Location 3: PIT-°ab°

iv.Location 4: PIT-°ac°


The use of letters as the incrementing character in the name excludes the use of numbers. The user is not able to use both at the same time.