New Library Rates
Library rates |
In the Library à Logical Pathsà SDH/SONET types: New standardized rates
These Rates include: •Base rate: SPE (equivalent behavior to a VC4 in SDH) •High Order rates: STS-1/OC-1 to STS-n/OC-n (rates capable of transporting 1 to n SPE’s) •VT-Group (used as an intermediate object, always a direct child of a SPE, to Group Low Order SONET rates mapped to an SPE) •Low Order Rates: VT1.5, VT-2, VT-3, VT-6
Rate compatibility |
Matrix of rate compatibility for PDH and SONET rates. Note that Higher order rate compatibility is achieved with routing concatenated SPE paths, as per the behavior of VC4’s in SDH.