Example of Use: Close Windows Button Management

Intention is to close window buttons via the following options:

Close tab

Close other tabs

Close tabs to the right


i.Close tab

a.Grouped window buttons

If option is selected on a grouped window buttons, all window buttons of the selected group will be closed



b.Ungrouped window button

If option is selected on an ungrouped window button, the selected window button will be closed



ii.Close other tabs

a.Grouped window buttons

If option is selected on a grouped window buttons, all other window buttons except selected grouped window buttons will be closed



b.Ungrouped window button

If option is selected on an ungrouped window button, all other window buttons except selected window button will be closed




iii.Close tabs to the right

a.Grouped window buttons

If option is selected on a grouped window buttons, all other window buttons to the right of the selected grouped window buttons will be closed



b.Ungrouped window button

If option is selected on an ungrouped window button, all other window buttons to the right of the selected window button will be closed
