Syntax for Data Transfer definitions

The new columns are based on a Calculating Field of the DevExpress report. This feature allows to define new columns based on arithmetic expressions.


To use Data Transfer, these expressions must have a specific syntax:


‘<object( ClassNumber, [ObjectIdFieldName] ).Value>’


‘<object(  [ClassIdFieldName], [ObjectIdFieldName] ).Value>’


The function object() will identify the ConnectMaster element to use. The Value syntax will define what property of that object to use as the columns value.

An object must be identified by its class number and its unique ID. The class number can be either given as a constant or be retrieved from another column of the Reports’ data fields.

The objects unique ID must always be retrieved from another column of the Report’s data fields.

The fixed class numbers are the same as you can find in the API’s ElementType enumerator. Examples are:       

       Component = 31,

     ComponentPoint = 32,

     ComponentType = 33,

     PhysicalPath = 301,

     Port = 209,

     Location = 3,

     Transport = 453



‘<object(3,[DesigId]).fullname>’                ... Class Locations (3), Object-ID from column “DesigId”, the
                                                     value is the FullName of the location


‘<object(31,[CompId])>’        ... Class Components (31), Object-ID from column “CompId”,
                                         the value is the Component Type’s name


‘<object([ClassId],[ObjectId]).descr>’... Class-ID from column “ClassId”, Object-ID from Column
            “ObjectId”, value is the Description