Admin Viewing and Filtering

System wide action log

As an administrator you can get an overview about all actions performed in the database at the History ‘Target-Objects’ with the “System wide action log” menu:





Executing this command, a new windows will be opened in ConnectMaster, showing four tabs:

§ List   § Structure   § Calendar   § Statistics.




Using the drop down filters, which are placed in the top area of the window, the administrator can set up, how the results have to be displayed. It is possible for him/her to list the results specifying:

a certain date (period of time in which the action took place)

user (who performed the actions in the database)

action (which action was performed)

sort (whether sorting the result starting from the more recent action –descending – or from the oldest - ascending).

Clicking on “Refresh” for the first time a list of changes is displayed, while clicking it at a later stage the result´s list will be updated.



In the tab “List” you can see an overview of changes applied in the database.





In this tab the data are grouped by time and workflow action, making the display for the user easier to follow. If required, substructure-actions can be unfolded.





In tab “calendar” the data are displayed on a time line, making their visualization time-oriented, while maintaining a big picture of all actions:





In the tab statistics the administrator can get a sum up of the actions which were performed in the database: these are plotted on a chart being the x-axis the time and the y-axis the number of action performed. Furthermore, it is possible to set up whether the actions should be plotted based on who performed them or based on which objects in the database was affected by them.

