The lifecycle of network components and logical network objects within the network documentation database is tracked and recorded. All lifecycle actions triggered by the GUI, over the API or via Data-Adapter or Scripts will be regarded and stored in history records.  The viewing and reporting of those history records is possible, controlled by the authorization rights of the different type of users.


Lifecycle actions





As a result of the complexity of possible objects within Connect-Master, the History-logging functionality is related to the ‘Network Inventory’ based on a clear defined list of “target objects“.


Target Objects (Main Groups)

Library (Pre-Settings) 1



Physical Connections at Components 1

Transport-Container (Sections, Trails, Services) 1



1        Supplementary history logging planned for upcoming releases:

Logical Cross-Connections

Component Types

Physical Connections at Physical Paths
Due to the specific data model currently used for Physical Paths the changes in Physical Connections belonging to new joined paths cannot be logged in a seamless and unique way. But each action on Physical-Paths can be viewed at the impacted Component.