WDM-Flex Grid
The following example shows the routing of a WDM Flex Channel TC over WDM Flex TCs
Create Upper-Level Bearer |
Create WDM Flex top level bearer with upper & lower frequency limits. Created standard way as this is the top level TC. Link to the RX/TX Ports added.
Logical assignment display with channel information.
Create Lower-Level Bearer… |
Create lower level bearer and link the ports. |
Insert Lower- Level Bearer
Now insert the TC into the Upper-Level TC. Instead of selecting a channel ConnectMaster validates upper and lower frequency of the flex grid type / existing TC to validate whether it can go into the upper level bearer. ConnectMaster checks the new TC is within the boundaries. If not prompt a message “Not allowed”. TC routing is done the same as other WDM types. Note: The channel information displayed has changed
Create the Flex Grid OCH-TC |
Create the OCH –TC and link to the Ports.
The channel in the logical assignment display are sequentially numbered.
Insert the Flex Grid TC into Lower Level Bearer |
In the logical assignment tab of the Lower-Level Bearer select the OCH-TC from the TC pool or Clipboard. This time ConnectMaster prompts to enter a center frequency before selecting new Flex Grid OCH TC type or selecting the existing Flex Grid OCH TC. ConnectMaster then uses the center frequency and the channel width of the selected OCH to validate the boundaries of the parent bearer.
Flex Grid TC channel display change |
The Flex Grid OCH TC will be inserted depending on the selected mid frequency. The channel display of the OCH Flex Grid TC has now changed. ConnectMaster calculates the mid frequency of each channel and label them. |