Project Plan Tab

In the Tab ‘Project plan’ a Gannt diagram of the project is shown.




Per default the diagram starts with a view on the ‘Planned’ dates. By use of the controls on the top right this can be switched to the As-is View and a Control-View to compare the Planned and As-is time bars.




Plan View








In the ‘Plan View’ the ‘Planned’-dates are shown as time bars.

The time bars contain as default (not configurable) the information of the field ‘Responsible’.



As-is View


The As-is view shows the ‘As-is’ dates of the activities.

The time bars contain as default (not configurable) the information of the ‘Status’ field.




Hint: If an ‘As-is’-End date is not known but an ‘As-is’-Start date was entered, the system estimates roughly the probable duration by using the duration what was ‘Planned’ and starting at the ‘As-is’-Start date.
To mark, that this is only an estimation, such time bars are shown in dotted yellow rectangles675010~1_img15
Remark:  For estimation of As-is duration no weekends, bank holidays, … are considered


Control View

The Control-View compares the Planned- and As-is dates in one view with different colours of the time bars.




Hint: Generally the Activities are to be edited in the ‘Content’ Tab
But the fields necessary for the control of the progress of the Activities are editable in the data-table of the ‘Project plan’ Tab also:





Display Configuration

The Project plan display can be adjusted by the User by use of the control buttons

675010~1_img18        Optimize width of columns

675010~1_img19        Show/hide columns

675010~1_img20        Show all columns

675010~1_img21        Optimize height of rows

675010~1_img22        Zoom time scale to show all project activities

675010~1_img23  Zoom time scale individually



675010~1_img24        Not available yet

 (The possibility to create a report of the Project Plan is planned for an upcoming release)