IP Subnet
IP Subnet Details |
Ip Subnet Details view:
Editable Detail fields: •Assignment Type: where whole IP Subnet is assigned, the assignment type is shown. Possible values: empty; Reserved; Used; Available; Assigned; Quarantine •Expiry date: applies to Reserved and Quarantine assignments •Assignment class: If the whole IP Subnet is assigned to a service or to a company. Possible values: empty; Service; Company •Assigned to: if assigned to a service or to a company, lists the service or company to which the IP Subnet is assigned
IP/Ethernet tab Field list: •Order: order of the IP address in the IP Subnet; •IP Address; •IP type: drop down list. By default the first address in a subnet is assigned as “Net”, the last as “Broadcast” and the remainder as “Unassigned” and are editable: Possible values:: Unassigned; Host; Gateway; Loopback.. •Addressing: attribute for the type of address assignment if appropriate: Possible values:: empty; Static; DHCP •Description; •Location; Component; Component Type; Card; Port; Component Description: values inherited and populated when an address is assigned to a device or port. •Assignment Type: where an IP Address is assigned, the assignment type is shown. Possible values: empty; Reserved; Used; Available; Assigned; Quarantine. othe Reserved state is used for an address or IP Subnet that is reserved for a specific purpose. The end date for the reservation should be entered into the Expiry date field. The status of the reservation must be changeable during the reservation period. After the reservation period expiry date the address(es) are treated as if they are available. oThe Quarantine state is used primarily for public address space addresses to block an address or range of addresses after use for a mandatory period. The quarantined addresses are treated as available after the expiry date, but in practise the addresses in Quarantine can not be reassigned during the quarantine period. •Expiry date: applies to Reserved and Quarantine assignments •Assignment class: If the IP Address is assigned to a service or to a company. Possible values: empty; Service; Company •Assigned to: if assigned to a service or to a company, lists the service or company to which the IP Address is assigned
Contents Tab:
Shows tree structure view of IP subnets and child subnets. IP Subnet and IP Subnet Name are shown for each object in the structure.
Here an example of a subnet with multiple chlidren:
Attributes Tab: Standard attributes tab functionality
Create Child Subnet |
To define the structuring of an IP Subnet use the function “Create Child Subnet”. This function is launched from any IP Subnet (whether or not it is itself a child of another subnet). It is available as a context menu action of a subnet, as an action button in the IP Subnets pool view, and in the action menu of an IP Subnet’s detail view.
When launched:
Fields: •Address: an address to be contained in the new subnet. It can be anywhere within the selected range; •Subnet: defines the size of the subnet; •Name: User definable name for the Ip subnet: By default, when creating a child subnet, the name automatically populates as the name of the parent, the subnet size, “_”, and a sequence number. The name field can be manually edited. •Range: starting address of the resulting range; •To: highest address of the range; •Parent subnet: IP Subnet of the parent
NOTES: When a child subnet is created, it automatically inherits the IP Pool assignment(s) of the parent, and the status and assignment values of the parent. When the status, service/company assignments and/or IP Pool assignments of the parent are changed, the assignments of the children are also changed.