SDH-MUX with 63 E1 Ports
A SDH-Multiplexer having one 63xE1 control card which is controlling up to three physical 21xE1 I/O cards.
In the following it is described, how to setup the interfaces and the pre-connections between them on component level.
A.Choose a Multiplexer
B.Add the Control-Card
•Create a card-type with 63 VPPs
Now you have a Control-Card with 63 Virtual-Preconnect-Ports:
•Add the Control-Card, which you created before as a card type
C.Add the I/O-Card
Similar like the Control-Card, add the three I/O-cards, which you created before as a card type with standard physical ports:
D.Add the Relation between I/O-Card ‘PP’ and Control-Card ‘VPP’
Start with the Card-Detail of the first I/O-card:
Add the View: ‘Virtual Ports’
Now you find in the view additional columns showing you the Virtual Ports related to the Physical Port.
Choose ‘…’ in the column ‘Virtual Proconnect-Port’.
Now you will get a window showing you the VPPs available at this multiplexer.
In this example select the first VPP at the Control Card:
Now you have established the first Pro-Connection:
This is also visible under ‘Preconnect’:
Repeat this workflow for all Physical Ports at the I/O-Card and also for the other I/O-Cards.
Remark 1: | To avoid the multiple single actions it is recommended, to do this on component-type level once. |
Remark 2: | To support the multiple actions also on component level, a multi-selection-functionality is planned to be added via service-pack. |