Archiving and Restoration
Archiving |
As administrator you have the possibility to archieve the action log records until a certain date. You reach the archiving section either starting the AdminTool or on File/History/Management in your ConnectMaster.
You can set up easily from a drop-down menu the date untill you want to cut and secure out your action log records. Clicking on „dump“ you can specify where you want to save your action log records:
Restoring |
In case you want to restore you old action log record, you can load it clicking on “restore” and then selecting your record file
Maintenance |
This section includes some tools, that help the administrator in the action log´s rollout stage. These commands are: § Update and § Clear
Update |
After you set up the action log license key in your AdminTool, initial values need to be produced in the whole database. You can do that clicking on update.
This command will delete all your History data.
Utilisation |
In this text area a sum up of action log on your database is shown. The diskspace used by the history tabeles in the database is estimated and displayed.