
oVia +/- symbols


With + symbol add via inventory through the respective column. With - symbol the marked components are removed from the column

oAdd via drag & drop from explorer & task

oCreate new sleeve directly in the connection manager

With the optional RNP a component type group can be deposited in a rule set, from which then a type with sufficient points is chosen in the connection manager and generated


oDelete all

Via the menu points „Option>Empty"


oRestrict locations

In the standard case only components can be loaded in the connection master that have a common location, but when required this rule can be turned off.



Sort components

The points are connected in the sequence they are shown, this means sorting is decisive.

oPer Drag & Drop

Components in the columns can be rearranged by drag and drop

oPer column head

By clicking on a column head it is possible to sort it up or downward according to its content.



oPer button

CM-MAN~3_img434 resort

CM-MAN~3_img435 sorting is reversed


Point- and Page selection

The selection of points which are actually to be connected can be done by various methods, these can be seen in the column Side/From - to.

By panels and sleeves the connection side right/left must be selected as well, by cables the location where the element is placed is chosen automatically.

If there are no free points on that side the element is marked red, if only one subset is available then it is automatically shown under From - to.


oSide selection

For each component the side can be chosen separately in the column „Side“



If more than one components are marked the side can be chosen for all of them at once. This is done by selecting the side for one of the components, this choice is then applied to all marked components.


oManual point selection

ln the column ,,From-To" it is possible to directly enter which points are to be connected for every component, single points, more than one separated by commas, or ranges.


oSelect groups

The number of points per group and an offset therefore a distance per component until the next group of points is to selected is specified



oCalculation method

Selection of the left or right points to be cross connected, on account of the whole dimension of all free component points in the respective columns or only on account of those points where a named physical path lies or whose path belongs to a certain tenant


For the ,,Phys. Path: Used by“ method the following options are selectable:


Tenant selection: Person/Company which is in the ,,Used by" column of the path

Percentage: percentage selection of all found paths of the tenant which are to be connected

Round up: The number of paths times the percentage is rounded up to the next higher number.

Check location: is only applied to cables and only allows fibres of cables that end in a location of a chosen location type

Location type selection: Location type selection for the end location of the cables

Group: all paths with the same end location are group selected

Combine „Used by": Paths are connected that have the same tenants


Execution and work order

If the correct points have been selected then the connections can be established via CM-MAN~3_img442or saved in a work order.



If nothing is selected in the work order drop down then the cross wiring is immediately executed


Work order

If a work order or <new> is selected in the drop down menu then the cross wiring step is saved as a new step or in an old step defined in the drop down menu next to the work order menu. The step is then only executed via the work order.
