Details |
The detail of a drawing includes the following values:
Name |
The Name of the drawing can be identical with the assigned documents name, but it hasn't to. Consider that the unambiguousness of the drawing name might be managed in the preferences. |
File |
Here, the file assigned to the drawing can be selected or removed Note: If the Name of the file is of red font, the file doesn't exist or isn't attainable |
Reference location |
If there are several documents for one location, they can be related to each other by assigning the reference location. This will not be detected automatically since the reference location hasn't to be placed on the drawing |
Top drawing |
The assignment of a Top drawing allows building a tree hierarchy. Each drawing can have exactly one Top drawing. |
Test filter |
Here you can attach a test filter which allows to define and verify the content of the document The functionality of test filters is described separately. |