Open Overview


Network View -> Documents -> Drawings…


View of all existent drawings of the drawing management.





Name of the drawing


Description of the drawing


Path- and file name of the assigned document


Drawing type


Reference location of the drawing


Assigned drawing  to display a hierarchy


Name of the user who is currently using the drawing


Number of CM elements in the drawing

Display content

The button in the header allows displaying CM elements to each drawing directly in the drawing overview. Loading the elements might take a while! A   in front of the drawing name signals the possibility to expand the view.


Menu: Show

The operations resulting from the hierarchy of Top drawing and reference location are available in the Menu: „Show”.

These are described in the following part.

Menu: Action

The action „refresh content” allows updating the content of all or only selected drawings independent of default settings.

This might take some time!

Menu: New

There are two possibilities to create a new drawing:

Choose „New“ to create only one new drawing in ConnectMaster. It automatically gets the name „DrawingX” which can be changed subsequent. At this point, no document is assigned to the drawing.

Choose „file“ to directly select a document in the file system and create and assign a drawing with identical name.