
Insert cables by coordinates
Draws a cable as straight lines between the end locations including the segment locations if all locations have coordinates
Insert cable by top level ducts
Following the duct route the cable is drawn onto the map
Insert ducts by coordinates
Draws a duct as straight lines between the end locations if all location have coordinates
Insert transport container by coordinates
Draws a transport container as straight lines between the end locations if all location have coordinates

Several separate lines are merged into one line.

Combine as: Empty pipes
Several separate lines are merged into one line and allocated to an empty pipe/cable.

Combine as: Cables

A selected object is copied or shifted to a selected target level.

These are combinations of MapXtreme and ConnectMaster actions for “Dividing” and “Inserting” that are started in their own task window “Divide”. Please refer to Chapter

Divide: Empty pipe, Insert: Shaft

Divide: Cable, Insert: Junction


Quick view
Quick View of the CM element to be allocated to the object is opened.

Add element to the clipboard.
The CM element allocated to the object is loaded into the CM clipboard.

Assign to a project
Assigns the selected objects to a project

Duct: Structure
Only for objects that are allocated to an empty pipe. The structure of the empty pipe is displayed.

Opens the print window with the available reports

Read coordinates
The coordinates of an object allocated to a location are read from the map and saved in the database in the CM location under its coordinates.

Read all coordinates
Above action is carried out for several selected location objects.

Set GIS length
Writes the length of the object on the map in the respective fields of the objects in the database

Files -> Object
Data exchange from CM to MapX for all selected objects allocated to an element. Please refer to Chapter 10.3.9.

Search: Start
Only for objects that are allocated to a location. The location allocated to the selected object is saved as start location in the clipboard “Clipboard:Search”.

Search: Routing via
Only for objects that are allocated to a location or to a component. The location/component allocated to the selected object is saved as “Routing via” location/component in the clipboard “Clipboard:Search”.

Search: Excluded
Only for objects that are allocated to a location. The location allocated to the selected object is saved as “Excluded” location/component in the clipboard “Clipboard:Search”.

Search: End
Only for objects that are allocated to a location. The location allocated to the selected object is saved as end location in the clipboard “Clipboard:Search”.

Rapid Network Planner
Opens the module RNP for the planning of FTTx nets
BEP Reset
Deletes all objects in selected location
Context menu
The context menu is opened for objects that are in the current click position. No object must be selected for this action! If there are several objects in the click position, the context menu first displays an overview of these objects from where the context menus of the individual objects can be further accessed.
The structure of the context menu depends on whether an allocation to a ConnectMaster element exists. The structure of the context menu of an allocated object is described in the following:
Information area
Symbol/line: Object name
Object type (symbol or line) and object description
Level: Object level
Level of the object
CM: ConnectMaster Element
The type of the ConnectMaster element allocated to the object (e.g.: component, location, cable)
Action area
Various ConnectMaster actions. Please also see actions in the “ConnectMaster” toolbar.


Allocate: Last used
Includes all allocation options of ConnectMaster elements to MapXtreme objects.

Allocate: Clipboard

Allocate: Location

Allocate: Component

Allocate: Container

Allocate: Shaft

Allocate: T-splice

Allocate: Empty pipe

Allocate: Cables

Allocate: Cable route

Allocate: Physical path

Allocate: Signal

Allocate: Transport containers

Cancel CM allocation
The allocation of the MapXtreme object to a ConnectMaster element is removed, i.e. the CmExKey is deleted.

The object is selected on the map.

The object is duplicated.

The object is divided.
Search area
ConnectMaster actions concerning “Clipboard: Search“; see search actions in the “ConnectMaster” toolbar.
Editing area

Level: Edit
Only if the object level is not the current insert level: Object level becomes “alterable” and hence a new insert level.

Objects: Do not edit
Objects cannot be modified graphically.

Objects: Edit
Objects can be modified graphically, e.g.: be shifted within the map.

Objects: Edit support points
Only for line objects: The support points of the line can be shifted.

Objects: Add support points
Only for line objects: New support points can be added by clicking on the line once.
In detail:
A few of the actions listed above are now explained in more detail:
Insert: T-splice
Insert: Shaft
The following steps should be carried out before starting the insert action:
•Only for T-splice: Define the level on which the new object should be placed as insert level. (Insert: Shaft: The new object is always inserted on the cosmetic level and can be manually shifted onto the required level after ending the action. •Select the symbol style for the new object. |
If “Duplicate” is selected, a new “Duplicate” window is opened, in which the following settings can be defined for the duplicating process.
1.Source: To select the object to be duplicated, list all objects with data fields (arranged according to ConnectMaster elements) selected in the map. 2.Target levels: Select the level on which the duplicated object is to be placed. 3.Style: Either the style of the “Source” or the “Current setting”. 4.Delete source: This is where it is defined whether the object is shifted (enable “Delete source”) or copied. The object with the previously defined settings is duplicated with “Execute”.
When allocating a map object to a ConnectMaster element, the data field “CmExKey” is used with a unique external key generated by ConnectMaster. Hence only objects of a ConnectMaster level can be allocated to a ConnectMaster element.