If several users work with ConnectMaster separately, each user has its own tasks, which can however also be used by the others. To ensure that two users do not work on the same tasks at the same time, the following must be observed:
Tasks are exclusive |
Tasks are user-dependent and are allocated exclusively. |
This means that •the opened tasks of a user cannot be viewed by other users. •the opened tasks of a user cannot be modified by other users. •Jointly opened components (connection sheet opened) are displayed to the individual users.
Example |
User: “Joe Bloggs” Task: “Cross-connections Wels – Linz” Location: “Linz“ Component: “Strip 1B” Location: “Wels“ Component: “Strip 1A” Component: “Cable W-L”
User: “Jane Bloggs” Task: “Cross-connections Steyr – Wels” Location: “Steyr“ Component: “Strip 1C” Location: “Wels“ Component: “Strip 1A” Component: “Cable W-L”
Explanation |
In this example, both users are using the component “Strip 1A” to create a cross-connection with it or to execute other work. For this purpose, both imported the strip into their tasks. If both of them now open the strip at the same time (i.e. if they open the connection sheet), both can then modify the component at the same time. This situation is critical, because both users may want to insert a new connection in the same position. Other actions may also cause problems: deleting connections, changing the number of points of the component, etc. To prevent such problems in this particular situation, ConnectMaster shows that a component is being worked on by several users at the same time. For the example “Strip 1A”, ConnectMaster would notify both users as follows: “Strip 1A” is currently used by: Joe, Jane Because many different connections, signals, etc. run via a component, it is not easy to prevent such critical situations. Hence ConnectMaster locks the component during the patch action of a user, so another user can only initiate his own action after the first one has ended.