During work with ConnectMaster, primarily in the area of cross-connections, it is necessary to work with several components at the same time. To work efficiently and concisely, it should be possible to group the components according to the relevant topics and to manage them collectively. For this purpose, ConnectMaster offers the concept of tasks.
Definition |
A task is a collection of components, which is created to complete a patch order, etc. The main characteristics of a task are listed below:
Content |
In addition to these descriptive characteristics, every task also has a content.
•Locations: A task consists of a collection of locations. The number of locations is unlimited. •Components: Depending on the location, one or several components can be incorporated into the task. The number of components is unlimited. A component can be included any number of tasks at the same time. •Location groups: While locations and components are loaded into the task as individual objects, a location group that includes locations and components itself can already be loaded as a compact group.
Actions |
With individual tasks, specific actions can be carried out: •Location groups can be loaded / unloaded •Locations can be loaded / unloaded •Components can be loaded / unloaded •Location groups/locations/components can be created during the loading process. •Connection sheets can be opened for components.
Application of tasks |
There are many different ways of using tasks. •Each user creates a task for himself. Advantage: Task is always available. Drawback: Components and locations must constantly be loaded / unloaded. •All locations and components of a network area are managed in a task. •In a task, locations and components can be grouped for a specific order. Advantage: Only necessary components are loaded.
Behaviour |
All tasks are available to all users. Users can only open one task at a time. A task can only be opened once, i.e. as soon as the task is loaded by a user, it can be opened by another user. When ending the ConnectMaster session, the opened tasks can be reserved so they are also loaded at the next start. Each user can set this option individually. Menu: File/Default/Tasks Close tasks upon ending
The reserved tasks are locked and cannot be used by the other users. Super Users are authorised to import such reserved tasks and make them available again to other users.
Example |
User: “Joe Bloggs” Task: “Cross-connections Wels – Linz” Location “Linz“ Component “Strip 1B” Location: “Wels“ Component: “Strip 1A” Component: “Cable W-L”
User “Joe Bloggs” created a task for his work purpose. This task contains a series of locations/components that can be processed, e.g. a cross-connection from “Strip 1B” to component “Strip 1A” can be created via cable “Cable W-L”. For this purpose, the connection sheets must be opened for all three components and according cross-connections performed. Please refer to Chapter “Connection sheets”. As can be seen from this example, tasks are used to group components for user-specific work.