Filter administration

Filter characteristics

In ConnectMaster, a filter  is defined via the following characteristics:






Text (50)

Name of filter.


see below

Filter type


see below

Filter type

Created by

Text (30)

ConnectMaster user that created the filter.


Text (256)

Any description.


In detail:

Filter categories

The filters that are available to the user are classified into 2 categories :

Search filters: Specific ConnectMaster elements are searched (e.g. Locations)

Analysis filters: ConnectMaster elements that have a special relationship to each other are searched (e.g.: location networks).

Filter types

There are different filter types per filter category, which meet the special requirements of ConnectMaster objects. The individual filter criteria are dependent on the selected filter type. The detailed criteria per type are listed in the following chapters.

Filter administration

All saved filters are listed in the Filter Administration Master Data > Filter… Here it is possible to search the filters according to specific filter types.

Furthermore, the filters can be modified (CM-MAN~3_img327), created ( * ), and deleted  ( CM-MAN~3_img328 ) from the administration window.