

An E-Mail is sent to the selected customer's e-mail address using the default mail template, which contains all relevant elements:

Text of the text file, which is registered in the default mail template +

Name, Location A, Location B of all entries in the customer's results list.


Note: Depending on the view options, only paths, usages or signals will be listed in the e-mail, if usages, signals and paths are assigned to customers!




The default mail template includes the text „The following data is affected by the fault“.

The following elements are assigned to the customer:

Physical paths „pp1“, pp2“

Usages „i-Pipe_1_LG“, „i-Trail_1_LG“



If you choose „Physical paths“ in the view options, the following e-mail will be sent:

The following data is affected by the fault:

Name:  pp1
Location A: 
Location B: 

Name:  pp2
Location A: 
Location B: 


If you choose „Usages“ in the view options, the following e-mail will be sent:

The following data is affected by the fault:

Name:  i-Pipe_1_LG
Location A:  i-Linz
Location B:  i-Graz

Name:  i-Trail_1_LG
Location A:  i-Linz
Location B:  i-Graz

More view options

Besides the view options, the results list can be displayed depending on the effect:

Faulty: All faulty elements of the results list will be displayed.

Protected: All protected elements of the results list will be displayed.

All: All elements of the results list will be displayed.