With the filter “Component”, the information search is limited only to the components. The required information can be determined according to the following search criteria:



General search criteria.


Search for component with defined names.


Search for component description.

A/Z location

Search for components in a specific location.


Search for components of a specific category.

Component type

Search for components of a specific component type.

Filter for component types

Search for specific component types.


Search for component of a specific kind.


Search for components of specific owners.

Used by

Search for components that are leased by specific organisations.


Search for components with a specific status.


Search for specific component attributes.


Search for components that are placed in a specific drawing (only with drawing administration module); please refer to “Drawing Administration”.


Top components/elements

Search for components that are either top components or elements.


Search for components that include specific elements.

Subordinate components

Search for components that are included in a specific component.

Container allocations A/Z location

Search for components that are/ are not allocated to a container in A and/or Z location.

Additional filters (depending on the category)

Resistance [ohm]

Search for components with defined resistance in ohm.

Attenuation [dB]

Search for components with attenuation in dB.

Utilisation (point/wire) [%]

Search for components with defined utilisation (equation: number of patched points/wires in relation to number of all points/wires) in %).

Utilisation (usage) [%]

Search for components with defined usage capacity (equation: number of used points/wires in relation to number of patched points/wires) in %).

Cable-specific filters


Search for cables with defined length in meters.

Fibre leasing

Search for cables whose fibres are leased by specific organisations.

Fibre owner(s)

Search for cables whose fibres are leased by specific owners.

Card-specific filters

Port empty spaces

Search for cards with a defined number of not created ports (difference between ports specified by type and actually created ports of the card).

Port usages

Search for cards with ports that are used with signals or transport containers.



Search for components that have cross-connections to components of specific categories.

Number of patched components

Search for components that are cross-connected with a defined number of components.

Physical paths

Search for components that are included in a defined number of physical paths.



Search for components with (any) usage.


Search for components with defined signals.

Transport containers

Search for components used with defined transport containers.