Customer connection


Customer connections are transport containers that are treated as chargeable paths from a commercial point of view.  Customer connections cannot receive additional objects (TC´s).

Transmission types (capacities):

The transmission types are freely definable and have no impact on the interconnection.


Customer connections  are interconnected in external transport containers (all types, except temporary elements) regardless of the allocated capacity.

For the interconnection of a customer connection via trails

-no check for available bandwidth is carried out, i.e. the bandwidth of the customer connection may be greater than the trail.

-the entire bandwidth of the trail is “filled in” if the topology of the trail is defined as Point-to-Point, i.e. in a trail only one customer connection can be interconnected.

-several customer connections in a trail can be interconnected if the topology of the trail is defined as “bus ring”, i.e. may have multiports.