Master shapes |
A master shape is a shape saved in a stencil. |
Instance of the master shape |
If a master shape is dragged from the stencil to the drawing sheet, a new shape is created on the drawing sheet, the so-called Instance of the Master Shape. The master shape itself always remains in the stencil and can be used to create further instances. |
Local stencil |
Through the creation of instances of a master shape, a local stencil is assigned to every Visio drawing. It contains the master shapes of the existing drawing shapes. Even after deleting all instances of a master shape, it remains available in the local stencil. The local stencil is only opened when the drawing sheet is opened and is also deleted when the drawing is deleted. The local stencil can be displayed via the “View / Drawing Explorer Window“ menu. |
A master shape can be created very easily, as explained in the following: •Click on the name bar of the stencil in which the new master shape is to be inserted with your right mouse button and activate it in the now opened “Edit” menu. •Draw a shape on the drawing sheet, equip with connection points and assign further required characteristics. •Drag the finished shape into the stencil; save the stencil. The stencil now contains the new master shape. |