The structure of a level consists of various fields that can be defined in MapInfo Professional.  In ConnectMaster/MapXtreme, it is not possible to create, modify or delete level fields.


The structure of the level defines the characteristics of the objects of the level, as can be seen in the following example:

MapInfo Professional

Level “Cable” created with the following fields:



ConnectMaster MapXtreme


Object “Kabel In_Li” in level “Cable“




ConnectMaster levels

If a new level is created in ConnectMaster/MapXtreme, it always has the following fields:






Character string (50)

Field for the external key of a ConnectMaster element.   This field is the interface to the ConnectMaster database!

May not be modified or deleted!


Character string (50)

Field for the name of a ConnectMaster element.


Character string (254)

Field for the display name of a ConnectMaster element.



Important! Every level that possesses the “CmExKey” field is a ConnectMaster level.


The “CmExKey” field may not be modified or removed because every object of this level can be allocated to a ConnectMaster element via this field.  During the allocation process, the “CmExKey” field is filled with a unique external key of the corresponding ConnectMaster element created by ConnectMaster:



The ConnectMaster element “Linz” (ConnectMaster location) is allocated to a node on the level “Location”. The “CmExKey” field of the node is filled with the external key of the element “Linz”.