An IP network includes a large number of IP addresses that are generated according to the network address and subnet mask entered under “Network”. |
Characteristics |
The IP addresses have the following characteristics: |
In detail: |
Rules for IP types |
IP types: The following rules apply to the setting of the IP types: •1. IP address is always of IP type Network •Last IP address is always of IP type Broadcast •All intermediate IP addresses may be of IP type Gateway, Host, or not set (without allocation). |
Location/component/port |
Location, component, port: An IP address may be allocated to one multiplexer or one card port. The location shows the location of the multiplexer and/or of the card whose card port was allocated. Network and broadcast cannot be allocated!!!! |
Used by |
Used by; An IP address can be allocated to one organisation. |
Any number of IP address of various networks can be allocated to a multiplexer, a card port or an organisation. |