Logical area extended by IP/Ethernet

In addition to the current logical technologies, ConnectMaster also offers all available logical functionalities for IP/Ethernet as an additional module. All characteristics described in the following are only available when activating the module IP/Ethernet.

For instance

Transport containers, multiplexers and cards for IP can be defined,

Logical paths with cross-connects, multiplexing and demultiplexing can be created in IP technology,

Routing tables can be set up for IP elements,


IP libraries

Libraries are available to the user for  

IP types for the definition of different capacity structures

CoS(Class of Service)

QoS(Quality Of Service)

IP address administration

In addition, an IP address administration is available to the user, including:

A library of IP networks with IP addresses

Allocation of IP addresses to multiplexers, ports, and used by

Filter and analysis options according to IP addresses

VLAN administration

Furthermore, the user can access a VLAN network administration and VLAN administration under IP/Ethernet.


This makes it possible to illustrate data networks in ConnectMaster via Ethernet as a basis for IP protocols.