Check out, edit, undo check out and check in of a file


Intention is to go through the workflow on how to check out, edit, undo check out and check in a file.


Procedure is the same for both file “Type: Database” or “Type: File”

i.Check out a file678F91~1_img33


ii.Click button “Choose File“



iii.From the “Open” dialogue window, select the new file and click “Open”

System pops-up a dialogue window to confirm overwriting existing file name

Yes – File name will be overwritten

No – File name not overwritten



iv.Check in the file


File Type: " Database"

i.Check out a file



File is downloaded to the temporary folder.

File hyperlink to the file in temporary folder appears in Link field.



ii.Open file with local application to edit

File is open from the temporary folder



iii.Alternatively, with the Edit button, the operation performs both steps i and ii simultaneously



iv.File can be edited and saved as many times needed. Changes will not be seen by other users yet as file is still located at temporary folder until file is checked in.


v.Two possibilities:

a.Check in the file

The last saved file in the temporary folder is stored in the database



b.Undo check out the file

Changes made to the file since user checked it out are discarded and check out operation is canceled



vi.Other users can now check out the file


File type: "File:

i.Check out a file



ii.Open file with local application to edit

File is open directly from filesystem



iii.Alternatively, with the Edit button, the operation performs both steps i and ii simultaneously



iv.File can be edited and saved as many times needed. All changes are saved directly to the file in filesystem. Changes will be seen by other users even file is not checked in yet.


v.Check in the file

Other users can now check out the file



vi.Undo check out file is not available for file “Type: File”