The data exchange in Visio occurs for all selected shapes. The action can be triggered via the menu bar or the shape menu.

The data exchange actions “Data à Shape” and “Data ß Shape” are explained in detail in the following example:


The following data are provided in Connect Master:

ConnectMaster element Location "Klagenfurt/Bürohaus" with the attributes "PLZ" (Type “Integral”) and "Strasse" (Type “Text”).

ConnectMaster element Location "Wien/StationA" without attributes

with data exchange definition:













The following data are supplied in Visio:

ConnectMaster shape Location "Klagenfurt/Bürohaus" without user-defined characteristic, allocated to ConnectMaster element "Klagenfurt/Bürohaus".

ConnectMaster shape Location " Wien/StationA " with the user-defined characteristic of type Number "PLZ", with the user-defined characteristic of type Text "Strasse", and the user-defined characteristic of type Text "Verantwortlicher", allocated to ConnectMaster element " Wien/StationA ".

CM:Data -> Shape

If the data exchange is carried out from ConnectMaster to Visio, and if it occurs according to the definition of user-defined characteristics in Visio, these characteristics do not need to be defined beforehand. The necessary user-defined characteristics are generated in the background for the relevant shape. However, if they are already available, they are only filled with the ConnectMaster data.



The ConnectMaster shape "Klagenfurt/Bürohaus" is selected in Visio and the action "CM:Data ->Shape" is executed. According to the data exchange definition, the attributes "PLZ" and "Strasse" are transferred to Visio.

The following steps run automatically in the background:

1.Creation of user-defined characteristics "PLZ" of type "Number" und "Strasse” of type “Text”.

2.Filling of user-defined characteristics with the values supplied by ConnectMaster.

CM:Data -> Shape

During the data exchange from Visio to ConnectMaster for <name> and <descr>, the values supplied by Visio overwrite the ConnectMaster data.


Because it cannot be ensured whether the ConnectMaster element possesses the attributes according to the user-defined characteristics in Visio, special attention must be paid in this area:

Please note!

If the ConnectMaster element allocated to the Visio shape possesses the attributes specified in the data exchange definition, these are then overwritten with the values supplied by Visio.

If the ConnectMaster element allocated to the Visio shape does not possess the attributes specified in the data exchange definition, the following steps are executed in ConnectMaster.

ConnectMaster checks whether there are attribute types for the required attributes, and whether the type of user-defined characteristic can be illustrated on the data type, whereby the following applies:


Type of user-defined characteristics

Data type

Character string


Fixed list



Integral, floating number


Text, integral, floating number

Variable list








If attribute types are found, the required attributes for the ConnectMaster element are automatically generated and filled with the Visio values.


If no matching attribute types were found in the data exchange definition, no data exchange is performed for these.



The ConnectMaster shape "Klagenfurt/Bürohaus" is selected in Visio and the action "CM:Data ->Shape" is executed. According to data exchange definition, the values of the user-defined characteristics “Postleitzahl“ and “Strasse“ should fill the attributes “PLZ” and “Strasse”.

The following steps are performed automatically in ConnectMaster in the background:

1.Check whether " Wien/StationA " possesses the attributes "PLZ" and "Strasse" – Result: "Wien/StationA” has no attributes.

2.Search whether the attribute types "PLZ" and "Strasse" exist and whether the data field types match the data types.


Attribute type

Data field type

Data type

Test result











1.Create the attributes "PLZ" and "Strasse" for  " Wien/StationA " and fill with the values supplied by Visio.

The user-defined characteristic “Verantwortlicher” is not taken into account because no data exchange definition exists for “Location” elements.

Errors in log window


If any errors occur during the data exchange, it is still fully executed. The error messages are recorded in the ConnectMaster log window.

Menu: „File / Window / Log“