ConnectMaster is a dialogue-orientated programme system with MS Windows-compliant user interface that supports the user during the planning and operating phase of cable, signal, and communication networks.
The programme is based on an SQL-capable relational standard database system and supports a Client/Server architecture. A data exchange with other SQL-capable database systems is ensured through the SQL-interface. The Client/Server architecture makes it possible for several users within a network to access the relational database at the same time. ConnectMaster can currently be used with Oracle.
The core of ConnectMaster consists of the so-called connectivity kernel that administers all detailed connection information and appertaining transmission equipment of a communication network in the relational database. Besides physical paths (e.g. conduction paths, cable paths, signal paths,...), logical paths (e.g. transmission paths, channel routes...) are also administered. Every single connection point, any usage information (signals and transport containers) and every location in the system are administered in ConnectMaster.
All graphic representations within ConnectMaster® are realised with MS Visio 2010 Standard® , a graphic tool with which 2-D drawings can be created and exported more efficiently.
With MapInfo MapX® ConnectMaster can transfer data into a map (into a so-called Geoset) to represent the entered data geographically.
Business Objects Crystal Reports is used to create reports and document templates. Within ConnectMaster, documents are processed via the Crystal Reports Print Engine.
ConnectMaster runs on standard PCs under MS Windows (XP). In a network solution, a UNIX server can also be used instead of MS Windows – PC servers. At any rate, the Client must be a PC running under MS Windows.