


Planner workflow


Pre selection of the planning method:

Object default means manually assigning the component types that are to bu used, see object default settings below.

Dimensionig rules: automatic selection of the component types according to the rule sets and rules

Default Dimensioning Rule


Selection of the rule set for the standard case

Execute with a project only


Execution option only available when a project is chosen

Generate OTO-ID for building cassettes


Generated OTO-ID for cassettes of the building fibers as well

New Objects-State


Selection of the state for objects generated by RPN

State type for `Unusable‘


What is the state of the components that may not be used for the plan (e.g. defect/reserved sub ducts)

Branch: Location Type


Location types where the branch points of the branch ducts from the house connection are to be assigned or which types are to be manually applied.

BEP Location Type


Which location types do the customer sites have

Object Default


Settings for the static planning method

Attribute type


Selection of the attribute which contains the information number of customers per site

Trench type


Component to be used for trenches



Component to be used for top ducts

Access Duct Type


Component to be used for access ducts

Cable type


Component to be used for cables

Fiber Termination Unit Type:


To be used BEP component type (Containerr, ONT)

GEO Style Settings


If not working with the MapX object-styles, the styles of the to be drawn objects are determined here.

Further more it is determined in which MapX levelthe respective objects are drawn indepedent of where the style is defined.

Top Duct Layer


Level for all ducts

Cable Layer


Level for cables

Pipeline Layer


Level for the developping pipeline

Trench Layer


Level for the trenches

Branch Location-Layer


Level for the duct branch points for the customers

BEP Layer


Levle containing the customer sites

Geo Location Create Settings


For the drawing of locations here the settings für the generation of new locations in CM are determined



Location system adn level where the location is to be generated

Superior Location


Location under which the new one is to be created



Location type of the new location



MapX level on which the location is to be drawn and if no object styles are to be used then here also the style setting for the to be drawn symbols are defined

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