Here it is defined how the connections are to be executed, when in the rule set the rule is valid as the criteria fulfils the defined conditions.
Generate name of the selected rule or new rule via +
To rename the rule
Connections per building
How many additional fibers along with the customer connections are to be generated, for e.g. building management (SmartGrid)
Fiber Owner and User
Should an owner and/or user be assigned to a fiber and if yes which one. Further more it is posiible to add an individual suffic to the name of the physical path
Number of to be generated reserve connections per building, settings see building connections
Number of the to be generated connections per customer, settings see building connections
Number of the to be generated reserve connections per customer, settings see building connections
How is the branch to the house to be executed, regarding cable, duct and trench?
Cable type group
Component type group from which the house connetion cables(Drop-Cable/EPFU) is to be selected
Customer to cable allocation
Should an owner and/or user be assigned to a fiber and if yes which one. Further more it is posiible to add an individual suffic to the name of the physical path
Fiber splicing
If there are different owners per fiber, here can be defined if the fibers are to be alternated between owners or if at first the fibers are given to the one owner and then all the rest to a different owner
Microduct type group
Component type group from which the house connetion duct( Drop-Duct/Microduct/Speedpipe) is to be selected
Microduct Allocation
Start/End: Should when using multiducts these be euquipped starting from the first slot or from the last slot
Microduct reserve per building
Number of additional reserve microducts per location
Multiduct to BEP
Ahould the dropduct be exectued as a multiduct
Multiduct type group
if drop as multiduct then the duct is to come from this componet type group
Trench to BEP
Should a trench be generated between branch duct and the building
Trench type
If trench to BEP is generated, this should come from the componet type group
How the house connection (BEP-Building Entry Point) should be executed.
Cassette Type Group
Splice cassette types with which the rack/cabinet/container are to be equipped
Cassette Allocation
Seamless/1 per customer: The fibers are seamlessly issued or respectiviely the fibers for each customer receive their own cassette.
BEP Cassette reserve [%]
Reserve if free points on cassettes that are planned to be included
BEP Cabinet Type Group
Container type group that is to be used in the house connection