


Start Workspace


Specifies the workspace which is automatically loaded when starting MapX.

Snap Tolerance


When approaching an object the pointer jumps to said object when the distance is less than X number of pixels. (Only when the snap modus is active.)

Search Radius


Number of pixels in which objects on the map are searched for, for the context menu.

Smart Edit


When moving an object/line support point then all others in the same position are also moved, here the snap tolerance is also active. This should be deactivated when using RNP as otherwise unwanted line consolidations can occur.

Graphic-Actions manipulate objects


Deleting objects in the GIS also deletes the object in the database.

GEO Update from Data Explorer


Cables that are generated in the explorer are also automatically drawn in the GIS in the layer that is selected in the RapidNetworkPlanner under Settings>GEO Style Settings>cable Layer

Download Background Layer Synchronously


When using slow network connection this function avoids the false arrangement of back ground tiles of WMS maps (Bing Maps etc.)

Switch to road layer when maximum satellite image resolution is reached


Valid when using WMS

Set GIS length of ducts automatically


Sub ducts inherit length from top ducts

Set cable segment equal duct GIS length


Cable segment length inherited from duct length.

Loading: Standard styles


The standard ConnectMaster styles for lines, objects, etc. are provided in MapX.

Loading: Custom styles


The styles created by the user himself are provided in MapX.

Object Styles


It is possible to define own styles for locations and component types that are automatically used when drawing after an element on the map is assigned to a CM-Element

The following can be assigned: Location-System,-Level, -Type, Location, Component type, Component, Sub category, Component-Category, physical. Path

Name: further restriction for CM-Elements

Style: Definition of the MapX Style for the respective element: Form, Color, Line style

CM properties <-> Other Applications


This function available in ConnectMaster enables a user-defined data transfer from ConnectMaster to Visio/MapX and vice versa.



Element: The ConnectMaster element corresponds to a Visio-ConnectMaster shape



ConnectMaster: on the ConnectMaster side: the characteristic of the ConnectMaster element



External: on the Visio side: a data field, etc. is shown in the shape text.



Defines which elements are allowed for each layer.



Check for locked layers, interval… seconds:  It is checked every... second whether all layers of the loaded GeoSet are locked by other users.

Data transfer


Select whether and when data are to be transferred to objects in MapX.



Is the protocol to be shown when warnings and/or errors occur

Use Object Styles


The styles created by the user himself are provided in MapX.

Go to object


Map size Factor X: Upon showing of an object in the current map, the factor X map size is used. Map size divided by indicated factor, e.g.: Factor 10 => a tenth of the map is displayed.

Symbol size Y: Defines how big a symbol is on the map depending on the length unit defined in the working range. For instance: 10 + length unit= metre, corresponds to 10 metres.

The zoom to a symbol object is now based on this symbol size, as in MapX Symbols are always shown in the same size this option has no function

Zoom reduced with factor Z:  In order to see a still larger area surrounding a symbol when zooming, the zoom can still be reduced by this factor.



Defines the style for the marking symbols

Split Label Style AZ


Adapt name for the part marking