


Unique Name


With this option you can control if the uniqueness of names will be checked and/or enforced.

The uniqueness of files registered in the drawing management is always checked.

Allowed directories


With this setting, administrators are able prevent up loadings of drawings, which come from illicit paths, into the drawing management. For example from personal user profiles or local drives which are not accessible for all users.



There are different strictness levels for control:

No > No check

Ask on conflict > The user decides

Restrict directories > The system prevents from inconsistencies



Click + to add allowed paths by selection in the file or remove them via -.

A path defined with CM_VISDRAW is not automatically an allowed path!

Update content


When should the content of drawing be automatically updated



Which content of a Visio drawing must be refreshed if you click on Refresh content in the drawing management:

Only top-symbols

Only the shapes which are placed directly on the drawing will be processed.

All symbols

Even shapes which are placed as sub-elements on other shapes will be processed. E.g. assembled multiplexer in a container.



Restricts which sub elements are to be updated by Top Shape