Components of the category Card/Module have a special status.

They have both connection points and the option to be equipped. The connection points are grouped into 0 to n ports. The number of card slots for further cards/modules is also between 0 and n.



Card in card

Only one element of the same category can be integrated into a component of the category “Card/Module”. This is possible up to 3 levels:

Network element – Card/Module – Card/Module – Card/Module

Mode of operation

The mode of operation must further be defined on the component type of the category “Card/Module“. The user can select between STM, WDM, WT, TF/TFH, IP/Ethernet or Mixed. The mode of operation defines which capacities and transfer rates can be defined on the card ports.

Automatic generation of transport containers

If this option is activated, a transport container is created by the system as soon as 2 ports are connected to each other via a physical path.

Default value

This value harmonises with the option “Automatic generation of the transport containers”. It supplies the components of the automatically generated transport container names.


These characteristics can be changed at any time and can be subsequently inherited to the component type level.

Capacity and capacity allocation

A capacity is additionally allocated to a component type of the category “Card”, which is managed in the capacity allocation. This function defines how the total capacity of the card on the ports is allocated.
The port is a group of card connection points.

Depending on the mode of operation, the transfer rate is defined as capacity, number of channels, or frequency.

Standard transfer rates are predefined. If further transfer rates need to be documented, they are to be added to the library.

Card ports

Card ports are generated automatically according to the specifications of the capacity definition and allocation and have the following characteristics:






Consecutive number.


Text (50)

Name of ports.


see below

Definition of usage control; see below.

Mode of operation

see below

This characteristic only exists on cards with mode of operation “Mixed”.

Transfer rate

Transfer rate of the port; selection dependent on mode of operation.


Capacity of ports; results from transfer rate.


Card connection points that are allocated to the port.

Rx Min

Lower limit of receiver sensitivity

Rx Max

Upper limit of receiver sensitivity

Tx Sender

Transmission power of the port

Mode of operation/Mixed ports

The mode of operation of the card port is defined by the mode of operation of the card. For cards with mixed operation, the ports of a card can be allocated different operations – mixed ports.

Usage control

In the column “Check”,“Behaviour” can be defined when using a card port with a transport container. The following available options can be selected:


Accurate capacity check

The transfer rate of the transport container ending on the port must be identical with the transfer rate of the port.

Maximum capacity check

The capacity of the transport container ending on the port must be equal or smaller than the capacity of the port.

No usage check

The capacity of the transport container ending on the port is not checked.

Use inner ports (inner/outer port)

When defining a port as inner/outer port, two transport containers can be placed on the port.

The port is thus used as an interface. See below examples for details


Accurate capacity check

The transfer rate of the transport container ending on the port must be identical with the transfer rate of the port.

inner/outer ports

Maximum capacity check

The capacity of the transport container ending on the port must be equal or smaller than the capacity of the port.

Example 1: PDH – SDH

No usage check

The capacity of the transport container ending on the port is not checked.


Use inner ports (inner/outer port)

When defining a port as inner/outer port, two transport containers can be placed on the port.

The port is thus used as an interface. See below examples for details


Outer port corresponds to the physical connection side.

Inner port corresponds to the internal logical port.




If the outer port is used with a TC, the latter is directly wired-up in the TC ending on the inner port.

The following dependencies must be observed when using the port with transport containers:


Port capacity

Outer port usage

Inner port usage


<= E1



<= E3



<= E4




A peculiarity as regards port usage is port usage with a customer connection because in this case, there is no port usage check, i.e. port usage can always be higher than port capacity.




Card in card

Only one element of the same category can be integrated into a component of the category “Card/Module”. This is possible up to 3 levels:

Network element – Card/Module – Card/Module – Card/Module


Mode of operation

The mode of operation must further be defined on the component type of the category “Card/Module“. The user can select between STM, WDM, WT, TF/TFH, IP/Ethernet or Mixed. The mode of operation defines which capacities and transfer rates can be defined on the card ports.


Automatic generation of transport containers

If this option is activated, a transport container is created by the system as soon as 2 ports are connected to each other via a physical path.

Default value

This value harmonises with the option “Automatic generation of the transport containers”. It supplies the components of the automatically generated transport container names.



These characteristics can be changed at any time and can be subsequently inherited to the component type level.


Capacity and capacity allocation

A capacity is additionally allocated to a component type of the category “Card”, which is managed in the capacity allocation. This function defines how the total capacity of the card on the ports is allocated.
The port is a group of card connection points.

Depending on the mode of operation, the transfer rate is defined as capacity, number of channels, or frequency.

Standard transfer rates are predefined. If further transfer rates need to be documented, they are to be added to the library.


Card ports

Card ports are generated automatically according to the specifications of the capacity definition and allocation and have the following characteristics:








Consecutive number.


Text (50)

Name of ports.


see below

Definition of usage control; see below.

Mode of operation

see below

This characteristic only exists on cards with mode of operation “Mixed”.

Transfer rate

Transfer rate of the port; selection dependent on mode of operation.


Capacity of ports; results from transfer rate.


Card connection points that are allocated to the port.

Rx Min

Lower limit of receiver sensitivity

Rx Max

Upper limit of receiver sensitivity

Tx Sender

Transmission power of the port

Mode of operation/Mixed ports

The mode of operation of the card port is defined by the mode of operation of the card. For cards with mixed operation, the ports of a card can be allocated different operations – mixed ports.


Usage control




Accurate capacity check

The transfer rate of the transport container ending on the port must be identical with the transfer rate of the port.

Maximum capacity check

The capacity of the transport container ending on the port must be equal or smaller than the capacity of the port.

No usage check

The capacity of the transport container ending on the port is not checked.

Use inner ports (inner/outer port)

When defining a port as inner/outer port, two transport containers can be placed on the port.

The port is thus used as an interface. See below examples for details


inner/outer ports

Examples of the use of inner ports for the realisation of a port as an interface are shown in the following.


Example 1: PDH – SDH

Example 1: Transition from PDH via SDH

Inner port:  SDH - VC-12 Container (is routed via STM-1)

Outer port: PDH - E1-TC, is automatically routed via VC-12




Outer port corresponds to the physical connection side.

Inner port corresponds to the internal logical port.




If the outer port is used with a TC, the latter is directly wired-up in the TC ending on the inner port.

The following dependencies must be observed when using the port with transport containers:


Port capacity

Outer port usage

Inner port usage


<= E1



<= E3



<= E4




A peculiarity as regards port usage is port usage with a customer connection because in this case, there is no port usage check, i.e. port usage can always be higher than port capacity.


Example 2: PDH – SDH

Example 1: Transition from WT via SDH

Inner port: PDH – 64 Kbit Container (is routed via PDH- E1)

Outer port: WT – 3.4 kHz Section TC, is automatically routed via 64 Kbit




When using an inner/outer port with a transport container whose capacity is equivalent to the port capacity, the system asks which port is to be allocated (inner or outer port).




The capacities defined on the ports can be preconnected. This means that the content of a port can be directly wired up into another port according to definition. For more detailed applications, please refer to Chapter “Capacity management”.


The capacity preconnection is defined via:

Port A / Time slot A

Port B / Time slot B

The content of Port A/Time slot A is thus automatically transmitted to Port B/Time slot B.


STM technology

The following special cases and examples apply to preconnections in the STM range.


Case 1

The content of Port A/Time slot A is to be wired up in Port B/Time slot B.


Card K1 with

Port 1 with 4 time slots

Port 2 with 4 time slots

The following preconnection is defined:


Port A

Time slot A

Port B

Time slot B

Port 1


Port 2


Port 1


Port 2


Port 1


Port 2


Port 1


Port 2



Case 2

The transport container arriving on Port A as port usage is to be wired up in Port B/Time slot B.


Card K1 with

Port 1..4 with x time slots

Port 5 with 4 time slots

The following preconnection is defined:

Port A

Time slot A

Port B

Time slot B

Port 1


Port 5


Port 2


Port 5


Port 3


Port 5


Port 4


Port 5


Case 3

The content of a transport container is to be wired up 1:1 in an equivalent transport container.


Card K1 with

Port 1 with x time slots

Port 2 with x time slots

The following preconnection is defined:

Port A

Time slot A

Port B

Time slot B

Port 1


Port 2
