You can monitor actions, errors and exeption of users thanks to a MonitorToll which you can find clicking on „  logging“  




Please follow these steps in order to activate your MonitorTool:  

Please open the script „CMStart.bat “right-clicking on the AdminToll´s icon and selecting  “edit”. The file “CMStart.bat” is opened.  





Now please change a row of this file as follows:  rem set CM_LOGTODATABASE=no ->  set CM_LOGTODATABASE=yes




Now you can start the Admin Tool and click on logging and then on data/load from database.  





Here you can thick the event-boxes, which you want to monitor:  



Then on the right side you get list oft he logging´s event:  




The number and types of events can be enlarged on request by ConnectMaster Support´s team.  


