
DevExpress includes the editor program for the so named extra reports as well, so that the customer can alter  the included standard reports or create new ones on his own.  

In the standard case a large range of reports is included that only need to be installed.  

Standard reports  



Install the standard reports via Install->“Install Standard Reports“.  






Description: Short description of the menu  

Element: Reports that are linked to an object, are directly called up via these objects. Which object type the  report is linked to, is shown in the element column.  

Menu: General reports that are not linked to objects are called up through a menu. Which menu, is described  in the column menu.  

Visible: Is shown as a choice in the print menu of the according area.  

Standard: This report is used as a default for printing


List of all Standard reports  



Schacht Wände  

Arbeitsauftrag Concat  

Mux: Detail  


Arbeitsauftrag Trail  


Splice Plan  

Bauteil: Liste  


Splice Plan PON  

Bauteiltyp: Detail  


SQL-Bericht Bauteil  

Behälter: Detail  


TC: Liste  

Cabinet-Cable Connectivity  

Person: Detail  

TC: Routing  

Duct Connectivity Diagramm  

Phys. Pfade Analyse  

TC: Routing / X-Connect  

Duct Connectivity Liste  

Phys. Pfade Analyse-Demo  

TC: Routing Concatenation  

Firma: Detail  

Physik. Auto-Routing  

TC: Strukturinfo  


Physikalische Pfade: Liste  


Karte A0  

Physikalischer Pfad: Detail  

Verbindungsblatt quer  

Manhole Builder  



Customer specific reports  

Standard reports can be altered or new ones can be created with the editor program of DevExpress  

Note: If a standard report is altered this must be saved under a different name if it is not to be overwritten in  the next update. To generate a copy the original should not be saved under a different name. A Copy should  

be made using the iconMANUAL~1_img167        after selecting the report that is to be duplicated. The new report should then be  renamed.  





Via MANUAL~1_img169 the marked report is opened in the designer for editing.  




The report template not only includes the description of the form and content of the output, but also the  
record set or data source. In the record set the information is contained (taken from the database) that is  
needed to fill the report, independent of the exact object. This means for example in the record set of the  
report Mux: Detail all the information is included that is needed to fill the report for every mux component in  

the database. However the information to fill the report Person: Detail is not contained in the Mux: Detail  
record set.  

It is easy to acces the information of the record sets via the window field list. The information can easily be  
pulled in to the main window via drag and drop and therby adding the information to the report.  




Hereby it is important that it is very easy for the user to change the format of the report as well as add static  content. Altering the record set however so that additional dynamic information is available is much more  
complicated and requires the help of Dynamic Design Support.  


How to change the format of the report in a specific way or generate a new format is best learned on the  
dexecpress website.

SQL Reports (Object)  


A new report is created via MANUAL~1_img13 “new”. The name is then entered and the choice is made between Objects  and General.  




New reports that our object linked can be linked to the following 50 classes.  





For an object linked report it can be selected if the object is Single or Multiple. By single the report is printed  via the icon in the detail window (In the example below the new report is called “component single”).  




By Multiple the report is started via the print icon in the inventor window (In the example below the new  report is called component multiple).  



SQL-Report (General)  


A new report is created via MANUAL~1_img13 “new”. The name is then entered and the choice is made between Objects  and General.  



By a general report one can determine via which menu the report is called upon.  

The following menus can be selected.  



Menu Branch  

Analyze Search Menu  

Network Analyse/Search  

Browse History Menu  


Cable Menu  

Network Inventory -> Cable/Connection  

Card Menu  

Network Inventory -> Network Interface  

Compare Menu  

Network Analyse/Search -> Compare  

Configure Items Menu  

File -> Extras -> Menu  

Contacts Menu  


Container Menu  

Network Inventory -> Rack/Container  

Customers Menu  

File -> Extras -> Menu ->Customize->Commands->Customize->Commands  

Custom Filter Menu  

Network Analyse/Search -> Custom  

Device Menu  

Network Inventory -> Device/Power Source  

Ethernet Menu  

Network Usage -> VLAN  

File Menu  


Groups Menu  

Network Inventory -> Groups  

Help Menu  


Inventory Menu  

Network Inventory  

Lines Menu  

Network Inventory -> Lines  

Mux Menu  

Network Inventory -> Network Element  

New Visio Template Menu  

Network View-> Schema -> Visio: Vorlage  

New Window Menu  

Datei -> Extras -> Neues Fenster  

Open Viso File Menu  

Network View-> Schematics -> Visio: File  

Operation Menu  

Network Operation  

Pipe Menu  

Network Inventory -> Duct/Pipe  

Reports Menu  

Network View-> Reports  

Search Master Data Menu  

Network Analyse/Search -> Search master data  

Search Over Menu  

Network Analyse/Search -> Search dependancies  

Shaft Menu  

Network Inventory -> Pit/Manhole  

Strip Menu  

Network Inventory -> Patch Panel  

Terminal Menu  

Network Inventory -> Dynamic patch panel  

Test Comp Menu  

Test -> Components (must be activated via the bat file)  

Test Controls Menu  

Test -> Controls (must be activated via the bat file)  

Test Logical Menu  

Test -> Logical, Signals (must be activated via the bat file)  

Test Menu  

Test (must be activated via the bat file)  

Test Other Menu  

Test -> Other (must be activated via the bat file)  

Trails Menu  

Network Usage -> Section/Trails  

Tsocket Menu  

Network Inventory -> Splice/Splitter  

Usage Menu  

Network Usage  

View Menu  

Network View  

Visio Menu  

Network View-> Schematics  

Windows Menu  

File-> Extras  


Import Export  


DevExpress reports can be simply exported via the “SaveAs” button in the designer.  




Reports can be imported via the “open” command in the Designer.