Check Filter for MapExtreme

Known Check Filter capabilities from Visio are now available for MapX ConnectMaster layer.



Selectable Layers can be checked for the following things.

1.Unique Elements                        Check if object is only one time on the layer, means no objects with same
                                               ex-key on layer

2.Valid CM Elements                        Check if all objects on layer got a valid/existing ex-key at an object in the

3.Allowed Elements on Layers        Check if all objects on layer are allowed by the settings in library->

         MapInfo->Settings: Layers, define what object are allowed on a certain

4.Data transfer complete                Compares the values of the properties of objects between CM and on
                                               MapInfo that has been transferred by datatransfers

5.Filter-Result exists                        Checks if all the resulting objects of saved filter search are on a certain layer

6.Filter-Result does not exist        Checks if all the resulting objects of saved filter search are NOT on a certain layer


Note: No further actions like delete all invalid objects on map are available in the Check Filter result list. To do actions use the data validation function in MapX or do it manually.