Text definition of a characteristic; in English. To access a characteristic, the format must be set in arrow brackets ("<>"). A format is always uniquely defined in connection with the element. Example: The format "<name>" in connection with the element “Location” indicates the location name, in connection with the element “Component”, the component name. |
The characteristic of a ConnectMaster element can be specified in the following data types: |
File |
Input/output in date format |
Text |
Textual input/output |
Number |
Numeric input/output |
Const. |
value is a predefined constant, e.g. "Y" for yes |
Ref. |
Reference is made to another ConnectMaster element. A referenced element can never be accessed itself, only its characteristics. Characteristics of referenced elements can be addressed via point syntax. Example: The location of a component ("<location>") is of the type “Ref.”. The name of the component location is defined as "<location.name>". |
Ref() |
A specific element from a number of sub elements. It can be accessed through indexing. Indexing can be numerical or via text information. The text index consists of the name of the desired sub element put in quotation marks. The numerical index defines which sub element must be addressed. In connection with this data type, there is always an additional characteristic that specifies the number of sub elements. |
Example: A component has 2 attributes – coil and switch; now only one attribute is to be accessed. |
Numerical : |
<attr(1)> |
Text: |
<attr("Coil")> |
In addition, the component also bears the characteristic <attrs> that supplies the number of attributes, in this example 2. |
ó: |
Access to a characteristic: Can this characteristic only be read in the external tool ð or also be changed from the external tool (ó)? |
Type |
ó |
Description |
Date |
ð |
Current date |
Text |
ð |
Value of system variables X |
Wordwrap (new line) |
Number |
ð |
Random but unique number |
Text |
ð |
Name of current CM user |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
Text |
ð |
changed by |
Number |
ð |
Number of components |
Text |
ð |
created by |
Text |
ð |
Description |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
Text |
ð |
Full location system name |
Text |
ð |
Information |
Ref() |
Specific location level |
Number |
ð |
Number of location levels |
Number |
ð |
Number of locations |
Text |
ð |
Name of location system |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Location level |
attr |
Ref() |
Attribute A |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
depth |
Number |
ð |
Depth in location system |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
format |
Text |
ð |
Defined format |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name of location level |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ð |
Name of location level |
parent |
Ref. |
Parent element, if defined. |
root |
Ref. |
Highest element, if defined. |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
system |
Ref. |
Location system |
Location group |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name of location level |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
location |
Ref() |
Specific location |
locations |
Number |
ð |
Number of locations |
name |
Text |
ð |
Name of location group |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Location |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
changedby |
Text |
ð |
changed by |
changeddate |
Date |
ð |
changed date |
city |
Text |
ð |
Address data/city |
comps |
Number |
ð |
Number of components |
country |
Text |
ð |
Address data/country |
createdby |
Text |
ð |
created by |
createddate |
Date |
ð |
Creation date |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
docs |
Number |
ð |
Number of documents that contain the location. |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
floor |
Text |
ð |
Address data/floor |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name of location |
geox |
Number |
ó |
x/y/z coordinates |
geoy |
Number |
ó |
geoz |
Number |
ó |
group |
Ref() |
Specific location group |
groups |
Number |
ð |
Number of location groups |
House nr |
Text |
ð |
Address data/property number |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
kind |
Ref() |
Kind |
level |
Ref() |
Level |
name |
Text |
ð |
Name of location |
object |
Ref() |
ð |
Object |
owner |
Text |
ð |
Owner(s) |
parent |
Ref() |
Parent location, if existent |
room |
Text |
ð |
Address data/room |
root |
Ref() |
Top location, if existent |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Latest partial name of location |
system |
Ref() |
Location system |
usedby |
Text |
ð |
Used by |
zipcode |
Text |
ð |
Address data/postcode |
Component type group |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
descr |
Text |
ó |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Component type |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
category |
Ref. |
Category |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
group |
Ref() |
Specific component type group |
groups |
Number |
ð |
Number of component type groups |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Component |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
category |
Ref() |
Category |
changedby |
Text |
ð |
Changed by |
changeddate |
Date |
ð |
Changed date |
createdby |
Text |
ð |
Created by |
createddate |
Date |
ð |
Creation date |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name of component |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
lconns |
Number |
ð |
Cross-connections left |
ldim |
Number |
ð |
Dimension left |
length |
Number |
ð |
Current length |
lnoconns |
Number |
ð |
Unpatched component points left |
lnoocup |
Number |
ð |
Unused component points left |
location |
Ref() |
Location = Start location |
loccup |
Number |
ð |
Used component points left |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
object |
Ref() |
Object |
occupusage |
Text |
Usage capacity (used + patched wires) |
owner |
Text |
ð |
Owner(s) |
rconns |
Number |
ð |
Cross-connections right |
rdim |
Number |
ð |
Dimension right |
rnoconns |
Number |
ð |
Unpatched component points right |
rnoocup |
Number |
ð |
Unused component points right |
roccup |
Number |
ð |
Used component points right |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
state |
Text |
ð |
Status |
type |
Ref() |
Component type |
usedby |
Text |
ð |
used by |
wireusage |
Text |
ð |
Wire capacity (patched wires) |
Cable |
damping |
Number |
ð |
Damping |
efflen |
Number |
ð |
Effective length |
endloc |
Ref() |
End location |
geolen |
Number |
ð |
Length |
resistance |
Number |
ð |
Resistance |
startloc |
Ref() |
Start location = location |
map |
capacity |
Number |
ð |
Capacity |
capunit |
Const. |
ð |
Unit of capacity |
mux |
Ref() |
MUX that is contained in the card. |
port |
Ref() |
Port |
ports |
Number |
ð |
Number of all ports |
card |
Ref() |
Specific card |
cards |
Number |
-> |
Number of cards |
columns |
Number |
-> |
Number of columns |
rows |
Number |
-> |
Number of rows |
Container |
cable |
Ref() |
Specific cable |
cables |
Number |
ð |
Number of cables |
columns |
Number |
ð |
Number of columns |
element |
Ref() |
Specific element |
elements |
Number |
ð |
Number of elements |
rows |
Number |
ð |
Number of rows |
Duct |
colour |
Number |
ð |
Colour |
diameter |
Number |
ð |
Internal size |
mark |
Number |
ð |
Mark |
pipes |
Number |
ð |
Number of contained empty pipes |
Component point/wires |
component |
Ref() |
Component |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Point name |
object |
Ref() |
Object |
row |
Number |
ð |
Row on component |
shortname |
Text |
Short name |
side |
Const. |
ð |
Page |
usage |
Ref() |
Specific usage element |
usages |
Number |
ð |
Number of usage elements |
usagetext |
Text |
ð |
Usage text |
Cable segment |
cable |
Ref() |
A specific cable in e.g. cable (1) |
comp |
Ref() |
Component |
comp1 |
Ref() |
First component of a cross-connection |
comp2 |
Ref() |
Second component of a cross-connection |
excess1 |
Ref() |
First excess length |
excess2 |
Ref() |
Second excess length |
length |
Number |
ð |
Current length |
loc1 |
Ref() |
First location of a route |
loc2 |
Ref() |
Second location of a route |
name |
Text |
ð |
Name |
order |
Number |
ð |
Sequence |
pipe |
Ref() |
Empty pipe |
Excess length |
cable |
Ref() |
A specific cable e.g. cable (1) |
comp |
Ref() |
Component |
component |
Ref() |
Component of a point |
length |
Number |
ð |
Current length |
location |
Ref() |
Current end location |
Cable route |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ð |
Name |
object |
Ref() |
Object |
owner |
Text |
ð |
Owner(s) |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
state |
Ref() |
Status |
usedby |
Text |
ð |
Used by |
Port |
capacity |
Number |
ð |
Capacity |
card |
Ref() |
ð |
Card that contains the port. |
Exkey |
Text |
ð |
External key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full port name |
mux |
Ref() |
Mux – contains card of port. |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
object |
Ref() |
Object |
parent |
Ref() |
Parent element |
points |
Number |
ð |
Component points of port |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Physical path |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
damping |
Number |
ð |
Total damping |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
endloc |
Ref. |
Current end location |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
length |
Number |
ð |
Total length |
loc1 |
Ref() |
First location of a route |
loc2 |
Ref() |
Second location of a route |
loca |
Ref() |
Current start location |
locb |
Ref() |
Second location of a route |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
object |
Ref() |
Object |
owner |
Ref. |
Owner(s) |
resistance |
Number |
ð |
Total resistance |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
startloc |
Ref. |
Current start location |
state |
Text |
ð |
Status |
Filter |
descr |
Text |
ó |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
type |
Ref() |
Type of filter |
Service type |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Service |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
type |
Ref. |
Service type |
Signal group |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
signal |
Ref() |
Specific signal |
signals |
Number |
ð |
Number of signals |
Signal |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
group |
Ref() |
Specific signal group |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
object |
Ref() |
Object |
service |
Ref. |
Service |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
Transport container |
attr |
Ref() |
Specific attribute |
attrs |
Number |
ð |
Number of attributes |
capacity |
Number |
ð |
Capacity |
capunit |
Const. |
ð |
Unit of capacity |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
endcap |
Ref() |
Capacity of the end component |
endcard |
Ref() |
End card |
endcomp |
Ref() |
End component |
endloc |
Ref() |
End location |
endmux |
Ref() |
End mux |
endport |
Ref() |
End port |
exkey |
Text |
ð |
External Key |
fullname |
Text |
ð |
Full name |
info |
Text |
ð |
Information |
kind |
Ref() |
Kind |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
object |
Ref. |
shortname |
Text |
ð |
Short name |
startcap |
Ref() |
Capacity of start component |
startcard |
Ref() |
Start card |
startcomp |
Ref() |
Start/Component |
startloc |
Ref() |
Start location |
startmux |
Start mux |
startport |
Ref() |
Start port |
structure |
Text |
ð |
Structure |
technique |
Text |
ð |
Technology |
timeslot |
Number |
ð |
Time slot |
Attribute type |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
Attribute |
descr |
Text |
ð |
Description of the type |
info |
Text |
ð |
Display text “Type Name: Value“ |
name |
Text |
ó |
Name |
type |
Ref. |
Attribute type |
value |
Text |
ó |
Attribute of data type command, file, money, and text |
Number |
ó |
Attributes of data type integral, floating point |
Date |
ó |
Attributes of data type date |
Ref. |
Attributes of data type department, picture, company, company group and person. |
Format “exkey“ |
As can be seen from the above table, every ConnectMaster element possesses the format “exkey”. The external key of an element is a unique data-fixed and data-bound key that enables an external tool access to the object on which the element is based. This key is part of the database and is also kept when importing and exporting the database. |
For the ConnectMaster connection shapes in Visio, the following characteristics can be ascertained by ConnectMaster at runtime: |